[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10125) List layer (meta)data links as links on the ogc api collection page

Paul van Genuchten created an issue

GeoServer / ImprovementGEOS-10125

List layer (meta)data links as links on the ogc api collection page

Issue Type:





Community modules


25/Jun/21 11:03 AM




Paul van Genuchten

The data and metadata links introduced at layer configuration are very usefull to have as links on the OGC API Features /collections/ and /collections/foo page.

The INSPIRE perspective
INSPIRE has documented how OGC API Features can be used to provide INSPIRE download services at https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/gp-ogc-api-features/blob/master/spec/oapif-inspire-download.md

INSPIRE identifies 2 types of links to be included:

  • A link to a full dataset download
The response of the /collections operation includes at least one enclosure link that allows requesting a representation of the entire data set.
  • A link to a metadata record describing the dataset in iso19139/xml
HTTP GET request to all links in the collections identified in the previous step that have rel link parameter describedby and type link parameter application/xml
  • A link to a metadata record describing the dataset in html
If the API implements the HTML requirements class, the response of the /collections operation SHOULD include a link to the metadata record for the data set with rel link parameter describedby and type link parameter text/html.

INSPIRE also adds a link to a concept in the feature concept dictionary, this link may be problematic, because it requires an alternate type ‘TAG’.

For each collection that provides data that is harmonised according to the [IRs for ISDSS], a link with the link relation type tag to the corresponding entry in the INSPIRE feature concept dictionary SHALL be included.

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