[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10135) OGR Datastore Plugin behind proxt

Nuno Silva created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10135

OGR Datastore Plugin behind proxt

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06/Jul/21 1:27 PM




Nuno Silva

I’m trying to use the OGR Datastore plugin to read some GeoRSS feed, but when I run Geoserver behind corporation proxy I can’t get any results…

When I put together the same Geoserver 2.19.1 + Tomcat 9 + Ubuntu Server 18.04 with direct access to the internet, there is no problem with the datastore configuration and publishing the layers.

When using the ogrinfo command from cli of Ubuntu Server:

ogrinfo https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/activations-rapid/feed -ro
INFO: Open of [https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/activations-rapid/feed](https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/activations-rapid/feed)' using driver GeoRSS’ successful.
1: georss (Point)

Output of log file catalina.out when I use the Geoserver GUI to add a OGR datastore:

ERROR 1: Failed to connect to emergency.copernicus.eu port 443: Connection timed out

OGR datastore plugin: https://build.geoserver.org/geoserver/2.19.x/community-2021-07-02/geoserver-2.19-SNAPSHOT-ogr-datastore-plugin.zip

GeoRSS feed example:

Ubuntu Server ENV variables:

Tomcat Service configured with proxy information configured
Tomcat catalina.sh with proxy information configured

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