[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10145) Tiles with artifacts (gaps) when reprojecting raster from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:900913

Victor Sinceac created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10145

Tiles with artifacts (gaps) when reprojecting raster from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:900913

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

2.18.2, 2.19.1




LayerInfoImpl-5937930_17a9b66e11d_-7b57.xml, TILED.tif, Tiles_with_gaps.png, WMS query non tiled, with gaps.png, coverage.xml, layer.xml


13/Jul/21 5:02 PM




Victor Sinceac

We remarked on several versions of GeoServer (e.g. 2.19.1, 2.18.2) on production platfroms (docker single replica), many tiles (256X256) which contain gaps when generated from GeoTiff EPSG:4326 reprojected to EPSG:900913.

Details on GeoServer settings are in Tiles_with_gaps.png. The platform is:
GeoServer version 2.19.1, GeoTools V25.1
libjpeg_turbo and Marlin are used

It happens on any GeoTiff file, with worldwide or less coverage, tri-bands or single-band.
Tiles_with_gaps.png shows two tries to generate JPEG, with gaps on different tiles.
The gaps appear or different tiles, independently from the tiles format (JPEG or PNG8).

We were also able to reproduce gaps on non-tiled JPEG image, after a couple of dozens of WMS queries at different scale/coverage (see screnshot, obtained with geoserver/messir/wms?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&tiled=false&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&TRANSPARENT=true&STYLES&LAYERS=messir%3ATILED&exceptions=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG%3A900913&WIDTH=1201&HEIGHT=1201&BBOX=696859.7838109258%2C766186.9103256974%2C1063499.499145654%2C1132826.6256604258).

This is not related to client queries, as GeoServer generates as well tiles with gaps when using auto-generation of tiles via Tile Caching UI menu.
We were able to reproduce same behavior with a sample GeoTiff (one band, grayscale, 10°X10°), in attachements. Layer configuration is also in attachments, as well as the original image and several samples of tiles with gaps.

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