[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10181) Features-templatings avoid replacing OGCAPI HTML response if template do not exists

Marco Volpini created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10181

Features-templatings avoid replacing OGCAPI HTML response if template do not exists

Issue Type:



Marco Volpini


02/Aug/21 11:51 AM




Marco Volpini

The HTMLTemplateResponse object is declared as a singleton bean so that WFS too has text/html output support when the plug-in is installed. This however causes the ogcapi HTMLResponse to be always replaced by the features templating one even if no template is defined thus making the default html request for ogcapi-features always failing when features-templating is installed and no tempate is provided for the requested feature type.

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