[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10231) Geoserver accepts (for gml) illegal Attribute names, making WFS return invalid GML

Richard Duivenvoorde created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10231

Geoserver accepts (for gml) illegal Attribute names, making WFS return invalid GML

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Affects Versions:







14/Sep/21 9:17 AM


Probably all, but tested on Debian Bookworm, standalone Geoserver 2.19.2

Originally the issue was in a Postgis db, but there is a Sqlite db available too to reproduce




Richard Duivenvoorde

See QGIS issue: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/45017#issuecomment-918040884

Geoserver accepts tables containing columns/attributes which start with a number as valid datastores.

But using that columns as attribute names in GML, for example returned by a WFS service on that data, results in ‘invalid’ GML (but depending on how the GML exactly is parsed, raising strange client results, see QGIS issue above).

I could think of a couple possible solutions:

  • do not accept tables with attributes/fields starting with a number
  • or give admins a big warning that they are exposing data with names which potentially will behave bad in a WFS
  • or return an error as result (like Gs does when there is no proper PK), mentioning the fact that certain attributes would give erroneous gml
  • or ‘fix’ the attribute names by prepending the attributes with ‘gs_’ or ‘fixed_’ or ‘x_’ or ‘whatever_’

Does that sound reasonable?

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