[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10337) Harden importer against failed imports, make failures more evident

Andrea Aime created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10337

Harden importer against failed imports, make failures more evident

Issue Type:



Andrea Aime


17/Dec/21 1:17 PM




Andrea Aime

The importer has a number of issues with failed imports:

  • Indirect imports have no error tracking mechanism, the task is not even marked as failed
  • When an error occurs outside of a task, it’s similarly logged but lost
  • Imports that complete with failed tasks switch back to PENDING status, make it difficult to spot them


  • Add error tracking to indirect imports too
  • Add a new COMPLETE_ERROR context status to clearly label errors, and a message to tell users what happened
  • Use the new status a tasks failed, but also when other errors occurr

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