[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10365) Flaw in assigning WMS permissions

Jan Tjalling Wal, van der created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10365

Flaw in assigning WMS permissions

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:





Re Geoserver-users Flaw in Service activation.msg




24/Jan/22 10:10 AM


  • GeoServer Version2.20.1
    Git Revision6a644b86e10fedce78fadfe824a7efd93dc883ce
    Build Date18-Nov-2021 15:18
    GeoTools Version26.1 (rev 96fbeb558ff4e7e5cb0444b61788173c8400a7cf)
    GeoWebCache Version1.20.0 (rev 1.20.x/d7c7f26f15eca11d49f4d1fca579f123fde69741)
  • Linux VPS, 4 cores assigned, 32 GB RAM.
  • Data stored in mixture of /dir_of_shapefiles, /dir_of_geopackage, postgresql/gis-db




Jan Tjalling Wal, van der

The issue was noticed a few weeks after an upgrade to 2.20.1. Geoserver-layers that had been wms-only, were found to be offered with WFS-service as well.

The issue may therefore be related to upgrades. With the upgrade failing to set/reset the rights as per the previous version.
It can also be more generic.

While trying to fix following unexpected behaviour was noticed:

Starting from the top (workspace), In this case all wms-only layers are grouped in the same workspace: WMRwms.

Activated the WFS-override options check box. Set the WFS to disabled.
Activated the WMS-override options and checked that WMS is enabled.

Saved the settings. Reloaded the configuration and catalog.

Checked to see if the WFS was no longer available for the layers in WMRwms. Still there.

Redid similar actions for the stores (one level down) that are involved.
Activate override, check and adjust the settings. Save
Reload and check. WFS still being offered for WMRwms-layers.

Next I went to each individual layer and there moved the WFS-service to the disabled services (on the right).

Only then the the WFS-services where removed (no longer offered).

BUG 1) Disabling WFS-services at the level of workspaces or stores does not propagate correctly to the layers contained within them.

BUG 2) This error may get introduced during an upgrade. Ours was 2.19.x to 20.20.1.

Attached mail-message should provide further details an includes some screenshots.

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