[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10418) Bad request sent to GeoFence when matching for groups

Emanuele Tajariol created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10418

Bad request sent to GeoFence when matching for groups

Issue Type:







14/Mar/22 7:02 PM




Emanuele Tajariol

When the option “Use GeoServer roles to get authorizations” is used, the AccessManager should send a request to GeoFence specifying the role and requiring no user should be present in the matching rules.

The method selecting role and user in the Rule is this one: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/blob/84557570531bda5d9ce03703bba379fb2a4b1cfa/src/extension/geofence/src/main/java/org/geoserver/geofence/GeofenceAccessManager.java#L569-L594

When the block

        if (config.isUseRolesToFilter() && config.getRoles().size() > 0) {

            String role = "UNKNOWN";
            for (GrantedAuthority authority : user.getAuthorities()) {
                if (config.getRoles().contains(authority.getAuthority())) {
                    role = authority.getAuthority();
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Setting role for filter: {0}", new Object[] {role});

is selected, the user in the rule should also be set:


otherwise the default value ANY will remain as a filter in the rule, and the GeoFence rule engine will match also rules related to other users.

In this log for instance:

DEBUG [services.RuleReaderServiceImpl] - Filter RuleFilter[user:ANY role:"UNKNOWN"+ inst:name+:default-gs ip:"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"+ serv:"WMS"+ req:"GETMAP"+ ws:"geonode"+ layer:"xxx_mapping_pipelineplanned"+] is matching the following Rules:
DEBUG [services.RuleReaderServiceImpl] -     Role:UNKNOWN
DEBUG [services.RuleReaderServiceImpl] -     Role:UNKNOWN ---> Rule[id:5518 pri:2972 user:admin ws:geonode l:xxx_mapping_pipelineplanned acc:ALLOW]
DEBUG [services.RuleReaderServiceImpl] -     Role:UNKNOWN ---> Rule[id:5519 pri:2973 user:admin srv:WMS ws:geonode l:xxx_mapping_pipelineplanned acc:ALLOW]
DEBUG [services.RuleReaderServiceImpl] - Filter RuleFilter[user:ANY role:"UNKNOWN"+ inst:name+:default-gs ip:"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"+ serv:"WMS"+ req:"GETMAP"+ ws:"geonode"+ layer:"xxx_mapping_pipelineplanned"+] on role UNKNOWN has access AccessInfoInternal[grant:ALLOW]
INFO [services.RuleReaderServiceImpl] - Returning AccessInfo[grant:ALLOW admin:false] for RuleFilter[user:ANY role:"UNKNOWN"+ inst:name+:default-gs ip:"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"+ serv:"WMS"+ req:"GETMAP"+ ws:"geonode"+ layer:"xxx_mapping_pipelineplanned"+]

we are requesting all the rules for role “UNKNOWN”. By looking for group matching, we should not match rules explicitely related to given users. In fact you can see that a Rule for user “admin” is matching, and it should not.

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