[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10524) CLONE - promote gs-metadata to extension (GSIP 212))

Niels Charlier created an issue

GeoServer / ImprovementGEOS-10524

CLONE - promote gs-metadata to extension (GSIP 212))

Issue Type:



Niels Charlier


02/Jun/22 11:05 AM




Niels Charlier

Proposal: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/GSIP-211

The CSW-ISO module provides support for ISO MEtadata Profile in the geoserver CSW extension. It was split off as a community module from the general CSW extension as to keep the implementation for the ISO metadata profile separate from the csw core functionality and the more basic DC metadata profile. At that time CSW-ISO profile implementation was still rather experimental and needed quite a bit of work to make it ready for production. In the meantime, CSW-ISO is in production with several users. It serves as one the essential modules (together with gs-metadata) to effectively use geoserver as the main storer and deliverer of CSW metadata that complies with the INSPIRE specifications. Part of the usual workflow is to transfer the metadata periodically from geoserver to a geonetwork server, allowing to use geonetwork as public service but keep the metadata close to the data. This works well.

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