[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10572) The layer styles resources has dangling links and lacks the default style

Andrea Aime created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10572

The layer styles resources has dangling links and lacks the default style

Issue Type:



Andrea Aime


01/Jul/22 12:29 PM




Andrea Aime

The style controller is setup to allow fetching styles from a layer:

            value = {"/styles", "/layers/{layerName}/styles", "/workspaces/{workspaceName}/styles"})
    public RestWrapper<?> stylesGet(
            @PathVariable(required = false) String layerName,
            @PathVariable(required = false) String workspaceName) {

However, the links generation pretty much assumes the request is starting from “styles” or the workspace styles, rather than the layer, and ends up generating dangling links for the layer styles case.

Also, the style list does not contain the default layer (LayerInfo.getStyles() only returns the associated style, getDefaultStyle() is used to retrieve the default one).

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