[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10698) OGCAPI and REST API coexistence issue

Marco Volpini created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10698

OGCAPI and REST API coexistence issue

Issue Type:



Marco Volpini


07/Oct/22 12:15 PM


Rest API and OGCApi have both a class extending WebMvcConfigurationSupport from Spring that provides some singleton Beans among which a RequestMappingHandlerAdapter that handles the matching of the incoming request to the proper controller. The bean uses a url path helper for that job and the GeoServer RestApi provides its own while the OGCAPI is not.

If the OGCAPI configuration class is loaded up before the one form the REST api the singleton bean will be created without the GeoServerPathHelper causing the dispatching of requests to the approriate controller to fail for rest api calls.




Marco Volpini

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