[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10699) WCS 2.0 latitude subsetting may fail if the source data has longitudes spanning both datelines

Andrea Aime created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10699

WCS 2.0 latitude subsetting may fail if the source data has longitudes spanning both datelines

Issue Type:



Andrea Aime


07/Oct/22 4:47 PM




Andrea Aime

Some meteorological data touch one dateline and cross the other, or span both (not sure why, but it seems to be common with that type of data, to have pixes sit across the dateline….). In that case trying to subset with just the latitude can result in empty intersection due to a bug in the calculation of envelopes intersection (the data envelope is treated as a sliver envelope around the dateline, rather than a full world one).

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