[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10734) SpatialJSON WFS output format community module

Carsten Klein created an issue

GeoServer / New FeatureGEOS-10734

SpatialJSON WFS output format community module

Issue Type:

New FeatureNew Feature




Community modules


04/Nov/22 7:24 AM




Carsten Klein

This module adds the SpatialJSON WFS output format. The SpatialJSON format is a more compact and memory-friendly variant of GeoServer’s GeoJSON format. It aims to save space by applying several optimizations to traditional GeoJSON format for simple feature results. Most of these optimizations work by removing redundand information from the JSON-encoded features.

A service exception is thrown if the result contains complex features as the SpatialJSON format does not handle those.

See the README.md for a more detailed description of the format.

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