[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10744) GeoServer 2.22RC does not write log into the logfile

Jukka Rahkonen created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10744

GeoServer 2.22RC does not write log into the logfile

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:





09/Nov/22 6:48 PM




Jukka Rahkonen

Our environment is as follows:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.8 (Maipo)
  • Kernel Linux 3.10.0-1127.el7.x86_64
  • Apache Tomcat/9.0.62 (also tested with Apache Tomcat/7.0.76)
  • java-1.8.0-openjdk-
  • geoserver-22-RC-war

Geoserver is installed with a war file and the log file should go into path /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/geoserver22/data/logs/geoserver.log

Almost nothing is logged into the log file but it still has one line that seems to prove that Geoserver knows where it should write the log.
01 Nov 08:39:53 CONFIG [geoserver.logging] - Log4j 2 configuration set to DEFAULT_LOGGING.xml

Since that nothing gets logged when Geoserver is used. Only if we change the logging level then a couple of new lines are added like this:

01 Nov 09:00:30 CONFIG [geoserver.logging] - Log4j 2 configuration set to GEOSERVER_DEVELOPER_LOGGING.xml
01 Nov 09:00:30 DEBUG  [geoserver.logging] - Logging output set to file '/var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/geoserver22/data/logs/geoserver.log'

Unfortunately even we have tried different logging levels there is nothing else in the log file despite these messages.

The issue happens also with GS 2.21. The version GS 2.20 that is using the old Log4j logging does write logs.

We managed to find an almost identical RedHat that does write log also with GS 2.22RC. It has another Linux kernel if it could matter.

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.8 (Maipo)
  • Linux 3.10.0-1127.13.1.el7.x86_64

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