[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10824) gs-flatgeobuf extension can clash with "directory of shapefiles" datastores

Pierre Mauduit created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10824

gs-flatgeobuf extension can clash with “directory of shapefiles” datastores

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Affects Versions:





13/Jan/23 2:07 PM


Encountered on a geOrchestra geoserver 2.20.4, including gs-flatgeobuf extension, but this may affect more recent versions as well.

  • docker image being used relies on an official jetty docker image
  • linux environment, kernel v4.4.0




Pierre Mauduit

This issue has been reported on the geoserver-devel mailing-list:


When using a GeoServer along with the gs-flatgeobuf extension, the gt-flatgeobuf comes naturally as a dependency, and this might cause issues with datastores, because GeoServer could select the wrong factory to manage said datastores. From our understanding this following call to getAvailableDataStoreFactories() could be the cause:


There are no ordering in the collection being returned, and canProcess() methods from both factories will return true with the given params hashmap:

So depending on the order, we can end up with a “directory of shapefiles” datastore which would be handled by a FlatGeobufDatastoreFactory, resulting in every underlying layers fail.

One workaround from our side had been to remove the flatgeobuf extension (incl. the gt-flatgeobuf jar from the webapp’s classpath), as the format was actually not needed/not in use in our environment.

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