[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10862) JAIExt registerOp and CoverageProcessor messages on startup

Jody Garnett created an issue

GeoServer / TaskGEOS-10862

JAIExt registerOp and CoverageProcessor messages on startup

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16/Feb/23 1:15 AM




Jody Garnett

On startup GeoServer 2.21.x is producing warnings due to normal operation of JAI:

15 Feb. 16:08:38 WARN   [coverage.processing] - Operation: BandCombine not found in CoverageProcessor
15 Feb. 16:08:38 WARN   [coverage.processing] - Operation: BandSelect not found in CoverageProcessor
15 Feb. 16:08:38 WARN   [coverage.processing] - Operation: Binarize not found in CoverageProcessor
15 Feb. 16:08:38 WARN   [coverage.processing] - Operation: AndConst not found in CoverageProcessor
15 Feb. 16:08:38 WARN   [coverage.processing] - Operation: OrConst not found in CoverageProcessor
15 Feb. 16:08:38 WARN   [coverage.processing] - Operation: XorConst not found in CoverageProcessor

JAIExt registerOp produces a series of INFO messages which may or may not be necessary? Reducing these to CONFIG allow for a clean startup. These messages also include a linefeed (not sure why).

Feb. 15, 2023 4:08:38 P.M. it.geosolutions.jaiext.JAIExt registerOp
INFO: Registered operation: Affine
Feb. 15, 2023 4:08:38 P.M. it.geosolutions.jaiext.JAIExt registerOp
INFO: Registered operation: BandCombine
Feb. 15, 2023 4:08:38 P.M. it.geosolutions.jaiext.JAIExt registerOp
INFO: Unable to register the descriptor related to the following operation: Null
Feb. 15, 2023 4:08:38 P.M. it.geosolutions.jaiext.JAIExt registerOp
INFO: Registered operation: operationConst

One of the operations has a null descriptor, failing to register which should be a WARNING?

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