[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10877) [B/R Community Module] Restore Tasklet always fails on resources validation

Alessio Fabiani created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10877

[B/R Community Module] Restore Tasklet always fails on resources validation

Issue Type:



Alessio Fabiani


Backup and Restore


02/Mar/23 4:27 PM




Alessio Fabiani

The restore tasklet actually created an “in-memory” copy of the target catalog by using resouce names without an id in order to avoid any conflict with the existing ones.

Before restoring them, it also invokes the catalog.validate method. The behavior of the latter has changed in the recent version of GeoServer, requiring an id to be provided to the resource. Therefore the validation always fails and the restore process for that resource does not fully complete, leaving it in an uncosistent state.

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