[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-11006) GWC cached superoverlays is not operational

Andrea Aime created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-11006

GWC cached superoverlays is not operational

Issue Type:





31/May/23 7:33 PM




Andrea Aime

While dynamic superoverlays through the reflector are still working, the cached superoverlays as described in the dedicated page are not, and apparently have not been for a while:

  • They need the GWC layer to be configured for KML caching, but the format does not show up in the UI. It has been like this at least since 2015, when Gabriel introduced a list of configurable formats to be shown there (KML never made into that list)
  • Even once the necessary property file is added in the KML module, the caching does not work regardless, GWC apparently gets empty tiles and dies there (tried against topp:states). Asking for the dynamic version of the same seems to work fine instead, e.g. https://gs-main.geosolutionsgroup.com/geoserver/topp/wms/kml?layers=topp%3Astates&mode=superoverlay

Given they have been out of commission for 8 years or more, I’m tempted to suggest to just remove the ability to do cached KML tiles but… also happy to see someone show up and fix it instead.

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