[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-11093) GetFeatureInfo requests fail for default interpolation <> 'use service default', when querying multiple layers

Emma Flukes created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-11093

GetFeatureInfo requests fail for default interpolation <> ‘use service default’, when querying multiple layers

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

2.15.0, 2.21.0




03/Aug/23 12:46 PM




Emma Flukes

GetFeatureInfo requests of multiple layers (>1) fail when at least one of the layers is a raster with a layer-level default interpolation method set to anything other than ‘use service default’, and the layer is queryable. This is consistent in Geoserver versions 2.15.0 and 2.21.0.

Steps to repeat:

  • Set a default interpolation method for a single raster layer to anything other than ‘use service default’. It doesn’t matter if the layer-level interpolation method is set to the same as the service default - just any value that is not ‘use service default’.
  • Ensure the raster layer is queryable under layer settings.
  • Make a GetFeatureInfo request from multiple layers, including the raster layer you’ve just configured. This can be as a layer group, or a series of individual layers.
  • The CRS of the requested layers, or the CRS of the request, or the layer types (all raster, mix raster + vector, image mosaic etc), doesn’t matter.

Making GetFeatureInfo requests of the layers singly is no issue. The request succeeds as expected when the default interpolation method of the raster layer is changed back to ‘use service default’.

The error can be reproduced using the “spearfish” demo layer group, by moving the DEM at the top of the group, and changing the interpolation method for it.

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