[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6545) Polylines Not Working as WFS

Danielle Lee created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-6545

Polylines Not Working as WFS

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

2.4.0, 2.2


Andrea Aime


18/Jun/14 5:29 PM




Danielle Lee

Came across an issue that I was unable to fix with Boundless Geo support and they recommended reaching out for a possible bug fix. I greatly appreciate any help that can be received in advance!

Here’s the situation:

Using a PostGreSQL/PostGIS database, I brought in several feature classes into GeoServer, ultimately to load into an OpenLayers application. The WMS functions as expected for all feature classes, but will not function for WFS for polylines only (with geom type MultiLineString). Polygons and points work well as WFS, which stumps me because all the features were brought in with the same configuration and in batch. The Boundless Geo confirmed that it’s not an OpenLayers issue and looks to be from GeoServer (the layer shows up as loading, but all the features go into unrenderedFeatures in the DOM). Upgrading from 2.2 to 2.4 did not resolve the issue.

Here is more specific info from GeoServer:

Build Information Version2.4-SNAPSHOT
Git Revisionf295d37d70c3b1f0e51942e8b031253e4d75459
Build Date20-Jan-2014 22:29
GeoTools Version10-SNAPSHOT (rev 3bb3df4f410750baf9ebc48c9c475a70642aadb6)
GeoWebCache Version1.5.0 (rev 1.5.x/f981cafd349886bb2a1ef45067f26b1aa8e4aff4)

Please feel free to get in touch with any further questions, and I hope this can be resolved!

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