[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6636) DELETE recurse=true consistenecy

Jody Garnett created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-6636

DELETE recurse=true consistenecy

Issue Type:



Andrea Aime


28/Aug/14 5:59 PM




Jody Garnett

The operation of DELETE layer and DELETE featureType are not consistent.

This is the first of two issues created as a follow up to GEOS-6575 and GEOS-6575. These issues describe the use of the REST api to kick GeoServer into noticing when new columns have been added to a PostGIS database.

The use of DELETE featureType recurse=true resets the DataStore connection in order to clear the cache of attributes.

  • Previously the DataStore “reset” was implemented using DataStore.dispose() followed by creating a new DataStore - resulting in the failure of concurrent described in GEOS-6575.
  • The use of DataStore “reset” now makes use of ContentEntry.flush() if available as described in GEOS-6616

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