[Geoserver-devel] [jira] (GEOS-6723) Error Using the Pregeneralized Features module on Geoserver

Joel Schmitt created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-6723

Error Using the Pregeneralized Features module on Geoserver

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:



Andrea Aime


Features pregeneralized


13/Oct/14 11:05 AM




Joel Schmitt

I am trying to use the pregeneralized features extension for limiting the number of vertices drawn for a large dataset that resides in PostGIS (geometry type ‘MultiLineString’). I’ve been through the tutorials and the help forums and adjusted my .xml config file in many different ways according to all the info I’ve found. I have also set up my Generalizing Data Store on geoserver in the exact manner that was specified in this tutorial:


After zooming and panning around in OpenLayers, I am still receiving the following message in the geoserver logs:
“2014-10-08 10:00:10,973 WARN [org.geotools.data.gen] - No hint for geometry distance in query, fallback to base feature”

From my understanding, this means that something in the config file is not right and geoserver is defaulting to the base “the_geom” column for rendering the pipelines.

Here is my .xml file:

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<GeneralizationInfos version=“1.0”>
<GeneralizationInfo dataSourceNameSpace=“pipelines_pregen” dataSourceName=“pipelines”
featureName=“pipelines_general_tx_1” baseFeatureName=“domestic_pipelines_tx_1” geomPropertyName=“the_geom”>
<Generalization distance=“5000” featureName=“domestic_pipelines_tx_1” geomPropertyName=“the_geom5000”/>

I’ve checked and all the parameters are populated correctly in the xml file according to the guidelines laid out in this thread:


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