[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9076) [Backup & Restore] Selective B&R: check GWC events in order to avoid creating Tile Layer Defaults

Alessio Fabiani created an issue

GeoServer / ImprovementGEOS-9076

[Backup & Restore] Selective B&R: check GWC events in order to avoid creating Tile Layer Defaults

Issue Type:



Alessio Fabiani


Backup and Restore


20/Dec/18 6:33 PM




Alessio Fabiani

When performing a selective Backup & Restore, the plugin basically does a copy of the existing resources from the source catalog.

During this phase, it copies also the LayerInfos and LayerGroupInfos, by assigning to them a new ID.

The problem is that doing that an event is raised from the gwcCatalog listener to create a TileLayer defaults in case it does not exist, despite the admin has explicitly deleted it.

This should not happen. If I removed a TileLayerInfo from my catalog, I don’t want it appearing again after a restore.

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