[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9119) Error creating bean with name 'gwcBlobStore'

Bram Janssen created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9119

Error creating bean with name ‘gwcBlobStore’

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:





01/Feb/19 11:25 AM


Linux, Geoserver 2.14.1, Java environment




Bram Janssen

We have created an application that will use the GWC functionalities to query a local GeoServer instance for creating tiled images. This is application is structures as follows:

  1. A bounding box is given to the application and a layer to query on GeoServer
  2. A GeoServer instance is started through Spring where we specify to load in the beans for all “applicationContext.xml” files on the classpath

During the startup of the GeoServer instance we see the following error message:
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘gwcBlobStore’ defined in URL [jar:file:/home/bram/.m2/repository/org/geoserver/gs-gwc/2.14.1/gs-gwc-2.14.1.jar!/geowebcache-core-context.xml]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 3 of type [org.geowebcache.storage.BlobStoreAggregator]: Ambiguous constructor argument types - did you specify the correct bean references as constructor arguments?

Looking at the geowebcache-core-context.xml delivered in GeoServer 2.14.1, we see the following bean definition:

<bean id="gwcBlobStore" class="org.geowebcache.storage.CompositeBlobStore" destroy-method="destroy"> <constructor-arg ref="gwcTLDispatcher"/> <constructor-arg ref="gwcDefaultStorageFinder" /> <constructor-arg ref="gwcXmlConfig"/> </bean>

However, the constructor for CompositeBlobStore of GWC 1.14.1 (imported by GeoServer) requires 4 arguments. The missing argument, gwcBlobStoreAggregator is defined in the context file but not passed as an argument for creating the CompositeBlobStore bean.

The result is that the GeoServer instance cannot be started as the bean can not be created.

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