[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9230) If an error happens when creating an App-Schema data store we need to restart GeoServer

Nuno Oliveira created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9230

If an error happens when creating an App-Schema data store we need to restart GeoServer

Issue Type:





Application schema


28/May/19 11:38 AM




Nuno Oliveira

I’m having this issue on GeoServer master (2.16.x), when creating an App-Schema store if something fails, for example missing table in the database, once we fix the issues re-saving the data store fail with:
{{2019-05-28 10:31:03,027 WARN [data.store] - Error obtaining new data store
org.geotools.data.DataSourceException: Duplicate mappingName or targetElement across FeatureTypeMapping instances detected.
They have to be unique, or app-schema doesn’t know which one to get.

The only to get ride of this duplicating elements error is to restart GeoServer.

To reproduce:

  1. create a simple mapping file whit some error, for example wrong source type
  2. create the App-Schema data store, it will fail because of the source type
  3. fix the mapping file, try to recreate the data store, you will get the error above

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