[Geoserver-devel] JIRA: GEOS-927 -- ArcSDE column type handling


Do keep me in the loop on what you find out.

I think it's a fair assumption that Geoserver will only return the "boundedBy" value if the feature's geometry is included in the returned properties. Let's put this another way: If you want the "boundedBy" value to appear, SOMETHING has to query each feature's geometry. Even if the geometry doesn't make it all the way back to the output XML, it's still moving from the DB to the application in order to do such a calculation.

Now the above statement is true in GENERAL, but might not be true for SDE. I have to check, but it's possible that SDE allows you to very cheaply calculate the bounding box of a feature/features without actually fetching the entire geometry (there might be a pre-calculated bbox stored in that linked F_XXX table). If so, I can look at the geoserver/geotools code and see how and why geoserver isn't returning the boundedby for that query.

If the problem is a general one, then the solution will involve justin and chris h. I.e., if geoserver ACTIVELY disables the boundedBy element when it notices no geometry attribute, then the solution is in geoserver-architecture land.

If, on the other hand, geoserver asks each feature for its bounding box and the feature returns "-1" (i.e., too expensive to calculate) then it's possible that I can massage the ArcSDE connector to do something smarter in this case (and assuming that SDE does give us cheap feature boundedBy operations).

I'll poke a bit more. I've assigned the issue to me, but if Justin or someone on the gs-dev list can answer the question about how GS determines whether or not to include the boundedBy info, that would give me a head start.


-----Original Message-----
From: chris [mailto:chris@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tue 2/27/2007 8:27 PM
To: Farber, Saul (ENV)
Cc: jdeolive@anonymised.com; cholmes@anonymised.com
Subject: Re: JIRA: GEOS-927 -- ArcSDE column type handling

Hi Saul, thanks for your reply. It did make sense despite what you might have thought :slight_smile: I appreciate how difficult it must be to interact with a black box such as SDE.

Unfortunately using a FID filter will not solve our problem. I think my initial report didn't clarify things enough so i'll give a bit more info (longer email alert),

For SLIP we have various use-cases we are looking at for our WFS service(s). Beyond the typical "viewing" and basic filtering, we need to cater for the common Search and zoom to feature extents. This will be arguably one of the more important use-cases because it will allow any application to use WFS for searching even if it doesn't support the viewing of the returned GML (eg. Take me to x1,x2,y1,y2 and then just bind to our WMS)

eg. Search for a Locality name of "Blah*", 20 results are returned, user can click each result to zoom to feature extents.

On this specific use-case, the great thing about Geoserver is that you can choose to not return the feature geometry which makes the responses lightning quick.

The example in jira obviously uses a spatial extent filter but you get the idea on what we are trying to achieve.

<wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.0.0" maxfeatures="10" outputFormat="GML2" xmlns:topp="http://www.openplans.org/topp&quot; xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs&quot; xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot; xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml&quot; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&quot; xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-basic.xsd&quot;&gt;
<wfs:Query typeName="slip:LGATE-008">
<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4283&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates>115.777,-31.916 115.79,-31.897</gml:coordinates>

This query results in,

<wfs:FeatureCollection xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openplans.org/topp http://beta.landgate.com.au:80/geoserver/wfs/DescribeFeatureType?typeName=topp:SDE.W_LAND_ADM_LGAS_VIEW http://www.opengis.net/wfs http://beta.landgate.com.au:80/geoserver/schemas/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-basic.xsd&quot;&gt;
<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">115.74991083,-31.96271134 115.89353163,-31.84201272</gml:coordinates>

As you can see, boundedBy is unknown for both features. Yes, we do have the feature extents option checked :). Looking at the Geoserver log,

INFO: No FID attribute was contained in your query. Appending the discovered one to the list of columns to be fetched.

Initially, i translated this into Geoserver needing the GID.FID propertyname specified so it could calculate the extents. Thinking about things further - this might not be the case. This lead me to believe that perhaps Geoserver can not calculate the extents off SDE tables, but if you use the same query but drop the <wfs:PropertyName>NAME</wfs:PropertyName> constraint, Geoserver returns all attributes, feature geometry PLUS the boundedBy extents!

<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">115.74991083,-31.93852352 115.89353163,-31.84201272</gml:coordinates>

Now i've had longer to take a look at whats going on - i think its fair to say that the boundedBy element can only be generated if the feature geometry is requested aswell. If this is true, it will be unfortunate for our situation in terms of performance. Many of the common searches such as on Administration boundaries could contain 200kb+ of geometry which is a very large overhead if most just want the extents to formulate a WMS request. GML2-GZIP is an option but in any case, the overhead remains.

I will digest things further, apologies for the initial tracker as it seems the issue is ill-defined.



On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:35:11 -0500, "Farber, Saul \(ENV\)" <Saul.Farber@anonymised.com415...> wrote:


Hey there, my name is Saul Farber and I'm one of the developers of the
geotools arcsde plugin code. I've been looking at the JIRA bug you filed
(here: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-927) and trying to get a
handle on how to fix your problem.

I wrote this long email, and realized you may just be looking for a short
anwser. So here's the short answer:

If you want to query an FID on a geoserver featuretype use a FeatureID
filter. Like this one.

<Filter xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;&gt;
  <FeatureId fid="SCHEMA.TABLENAME.412" />

Here's a qualification to the short answer: If your arcsde featureclass
has declared an SE_ROWID_COLUMN_NAME for its business table, this won't
work (it won't go to the SHAPE.FID field like I think you want).

Here's the long answer that I originally typed about how to figure out
whether your FID filter is actually going to work. It can be safely
skipped if you're uninterested!

Here's a bit about how ArcSDE handles 'FID' columns. ArcSDE has at least
two ways of coming up with a unique 'featureid' for a given row in a
spatial table.

Method #1: Use the declared "rowid" field. ArcSDE allows a table to
declare that a particular column is the "rowid" column for that table.
RowID columns are essentially primary key columns. Can't be null, can't
duplicate values...etc. They can be managed by the user (so when you
insert something you have to deal with sequence/uniqueness yourself) or
they can be managed by SDE (leave that value blank when you insert, it
will fill in an appropriate one from a sequence for you).

When Geoserver starts up and loads the configuration for a particular SDE
table, it inspects the table to see if there's a registered "rowid column"
for that table. If so, it maps the FID for that featuretype onto the rowid

Method #2: Use the foreign key value of the spatial field (usually called
SHAPE, but can be called whatever you like). The spatial field is actually
an integer foreign key into a seperate "F_###" table, which has a LONG_RAW
(or BLOB) which stores the actual geometry...along with some
pre-calculated values like area, perimeter, etc. So if your business
table row looks like this:


Then somewhere there's a table called "F_XXX" (where XXX is a number) with
a row like:


When geoserver starts up, if it can't do method #1 (because there's now
ROWID field registered for that table) then it will fall back to this
method. It will map the FID for that featuretype onto the value of the
TABLE.FID in that SDE featureclass.

Here's the confusing part: ArcSDE allows you to reference fields in the
linked F_XXX table by using a 'dot'. So you can generally query ArcSDE
for the area of a shape by using "BUSINESS_TABLE.AREA" This doesn't work
from Geoserver, however.

We *do* however, support the special case of the TABLE.FID column, but
only when Method #2 has been engaged. So if you need to query the
TABLE.FID column, use an FIDFilter and the query will be generated
correctly (TABLE.FID).

Like this one:

<Filter xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;&gt;
  <FeatureId fid="SCHEMA.TABLENAME.412" />

Let me know if any of this is helpful.


If the problem is a general one, then the solution will involve justin and chris h. I.e., if geoserver ACTIVELY disables the boundedBy element when it notices no geometry attribute, then the solution is in geoserver-architecture land.

Well, boundedBy is an option recently added, so it's not so much actively disabling, but not specifically enabling.

Which we don't - I believe that the behavior should be that if boundedBy is set to true and the geometry is not in the propertyNames list then GeoServer should be querying the geometry. A further optimization would be for databases to do the calculation of bounds, but that would require a good bit of reworking of geotools datastores.

Without the additional optimization then there will still be a good bit of superfluous processing in getting the full geometry from databases and putting it in to Java - but I believe the overhead of not having to write out the geometry and send the GML over the wire will still be a big enough win to be useful. Would you agree Chris?


If, on the other hand, geoserver asks each feature for its bounding box and the feature returns "-1" (i.e., too expensive to calculate) then it's possible that I can massage the ArcSDE connector to do something smarter in this case (and assuming that SDE does give us cheap feature boundedBy operations).

I'll poke a bit more. I've assigned the issue to me, but if Justin or someone on the gs-dev list can answer the question about how GS determines whether or not to include the boundedBy info, that would give me a head start.


-----Original Message-----
From: chris [mailto:chris@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tue 2/27/2007 8:27 PM
To: Farber, Saul (ENV)
Cc: jdeolive@anonymised.com; cholmes@anonymised.com
Subject: Re: JIRA: GEOS-927 -- ArcSDE column type handling
Hi Saul, thanks for your reply. It did make sense despite what you might have thought :slight_smile: I appreciate how difficult it must be to interact with a black box such as SDE.

Unfortunately using a FID filter will not solve our problem. I think my initial report didn't clarify things enough so i'll give a bit more info (longer email alert),

For SLIP we have various use-cases we are looking at for our WFS service(s). Beyond the typical "viewing" and basic filtering, we need to cater for the common Search and zoom to feature extents. This will be arguably one of the more important use-cases because it will allow any application to use WFS for searching even if it doesn't support the viewing of the returned GML (eg. Take me to x1,x2,y1,y2 and then just bind to our WMS)

eg. Search for a Locality name of "Blah*", 20 results are returned, user can click each result to zoom to feature extents.

On this specific use-case, the great thing about Geoserver is that you can choose to not return the feature geometry which makes the responses lightning quick.

The example in jira obviously uses a spatial extent filter but you get the idea on what we are trying to achieve.

<wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.0.0" maxfeatures="10" outputFormat="GML2" xmlns:topp="http://www.openplans.org/topp&quot; xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs&quot; xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot; xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml&quot; xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance&quot; xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.opengis.net/wfs http://schemas.opengis.net/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-basic.xsd&quot;&gt;
<wfs:Query typeName="slip:LGATE-008">
<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4283&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates>115.777,-31.916 115.79,-31.897</gml:coordinates>

This query results in,

<wfs:FeatureCollection xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openplans.org/topp http://beta.landgate.com.au:80/geoserver/wfs/DescribeFeatureType?typeName=topp:SDE.W_LAND_ADM_LGAS_VIEW http://www.opengis.net/wfs http://beta.landgate.com.au:80/geoserver/schemas/wfs/1.0.0/WFS-basic.xsd&quot;&gt;
<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">115.74991083,-31.96271134 115.89353163,-31.84201272</gml:coordinates>

As you can see, boundedBy is unknown for both features. Yes, we do have the feature extents option checked :). Looking at the Geoserver log,

INFO: No FID attribute was contained in your query. Appending the discovered one to the list of columns to be fetched.

Initially, i translated this into Geoserver needing the GID.FID propertyname specified so it could calculate the extents. Thinking about things further - this might not be the case. This lead me to believe that perhaps Geoserver can not calculate the extents off SDE tables, but if you use the same query but drop the <wfs:PropertyName>NAME</wfs:PropertyName> constraint, Geoserver returns all attributes, feature geometry PLUS the boundedBy extents!

<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">115.74991083,-31.93852352 115.89353163,-31.84201272</gml:coordinates>

Now i've had longer to take a look at whats going on - i think its fair to say that the boundedBy element can only be generated if the feature geometry is requested aswell. If this is true, it will be unfortunate for our situation in terms of performance. Many of the common searches such as on Administration boundaries could contain 200kb+ of geometry which is a very large overhead if most just want the extents to formulate a WMS request. GML2-GZIP is an option but in any case, the overhead remains.

I will digest things further, apologies for the initial tracker as it seems the issue is ill-defined.



On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:35:11 -0500, "Farber, Saul \(ENV\)" <Saul.Farber@anonymised.com> wrote:


Hey there, my name is Saul Farber and I'm one of the developers of the
geotools arcsde plugin code. I've been looking at the JIRA bug you filed
(here: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-927) and trying to get a
handle on how to fix your problem.

I wrote this long email, and realized you may just be looking for a short
anwser. So here's the short answer:

If you want to query an FID on a geoserver featuretype use a FeatureID
filter. Like this one.

<Filter xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;&gt;
  <FeatureId fid="SCHEMA.TABLENAME.412" />

Here's a qualification to the short answer: If your arcsde featureclass
has declared an SE_ROWID_COLUMN_NAME for its business table, this won't
work (it won't go to the SHAPE.FID field like I think you want).

Here's the long answer that I originally typed about how to figure out
whether your FID filter is actually going to work. It can be safely
skipped if you're uninterested!

Here's a bit about how ArcSDE handles 'FID' columns. ArcSDE has at least
two ways of coming up with a unique 'featureid' for a given row in a
spatial table.

Method #1: Use the declared "rowid" field. ArcSDE allows a table to
declare that a particular column is the "rowid" column for that table. RowID columns are essentially primary key columns. Can't be null, can't
duplicate values...etc. They can be managed by the user (so when you
insert something you have to deal with sequence/uniqueness yourself) or
they can be managed by SDE (leave that value blank when you insert, it
will fill in an appropriate one from a sequence for you).

When Geoserver starts up and loads the configuration for a particular SDE
table, it inspects the table to see if there's a registered "rowid column"
for that table. If so, it maps the FID for that featuretype onto the rowid

Method #2: Use the foreign key value of the spatial field (usually called
SHAPE, but can be called whatever you like). The spatial field is actually
an integer foreign key into a seperate "F_###" table, which has a LONG_RAW
(or BLOB) which stores the actual geometry...along with some
pre-calculated values like area, perimeter, etc. So if your business
table row looks like this:


Then somewhere there's a table called "F_XXX" (where XXX is a number) with
a row like:


When geoserver starts up, if it can't do method #1 (because there's now
ROWID field registered for that table) then it will fall back to this
method. It will map the FID for that featuretype onto the value of the
TABLE.FID in that SDE featureclass.

Here's the confusing part: ArcSDE allows you to reference fields in the
linked F_XXX table by using a 'dot'. So you can generally query ArcSDE
for the area of a shape by using "BUSINESS_TABLE.AREA" This doesn't work
from Geoserver, however.

We *do* however, support the special case of the TABLE.FID column, but
only when Method #2 has been engaged. So if you need to query the
TABLE.FID column, use an FIDFilter and the query will be generated
correctly (TABLE.FID).

Like this one:

<Filter xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;&gt;
  <FeatureId fid="SCHEMA.TABLENAME.412" />

Let me know if any of this is helpful.



Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project

As usual, the initial jira task was way off the mark guys, apologies again.

I would really, really like the ability to generate the boundedBy element *without* the feature geometry. As Chris H mentioned, even if this means still retrieving the geometry from the datastore, calculating the bounds, but not writing geom in the output - i would be happy. Obviously this wouldnt be the best method of doing it at the datastore level but it sounds like this would create a significant amount of work. I can't believe this hasn't been raised before - perhaps everyone just assumed it would work like i did :slight_smile:

The use-case is very important to us for using WFS as an open interface for searching. Even if applications are horrible at displaying GML, they can still at least leverage the querying inside their external applications.

As far as i can tell, this issue is not specific to ArcSDE. Perhaps the jira task needs to be replaced/reassigned.

Cheers for all the brain-dumps!


On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:51:50 -0500, Chris Holmes <cholmes@anonymised.com> wrote:

If the problem is a general one, then the solution will involve justin

and chris h. I.e., if geoserver ACTIVELY disables the boundedBy element
when it notices no geometry attribute, then the solution is in
geoserver-architecture land.
Well, boundedBy is an option recently added, so it's not so much
actively disabling, but not specifically enabling.

Which we don't - I believe that the behavior should be that if boundedBy
is set to true and the geometry is not in the propertyNames list then
GeoServer should be querying the geometry. A further optimization would
be for databases to do the calculation of bounds, but that would require
a good bit of reworking of geotools datastores.

Without the additional optimization then there will still be a good bit
of superfluous processing in getting the full geometry from databases
and putting it in to Java - but I believe the overhead of not having to
write out the geometry and send the GML over the wire will still be a
big enough win to be useful. Would you agree Chris?


If, on the other hand, geoserver asks each feature for its bounding box

and the feature returns "-1" (i.e., too expensive to calculate) then it's
possible that I can massage the ArcSDE connector to do something smarter
in this case (and assuming that SDE does give us cheap feature boundedBy

I'll poke a bit more. I've assigned the issue to me, but if Justin or

someone on the gs-dev list can answer the question about how GS determines
whether or not to include the boundedBy info, that would give me a head


-----Original Message-----
From: chris [mailto:chris@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tue 2/27/2007 8:27 PM
To: Farber, Saul (ENV)
Cc: jdeolive@anonymised.com; cholmes@anonymised.com
Subject: Re: JIRA: GEOS-927 -- ArcSDE column type handling

Hi Saul, thanks for your reply. It did make sense despite what you might

have thought :slight_smile: I appreciate how difficult it must be to interact with a
black box such as SDE.

Unfortunately using a FID filter will not solve our problem. I think my

initial report didn't clarify things enough so i'll give a bit more info
(longer email alert),

For SLIP we have various use-cases we are looking at for our WFS

service(s). Beyond the typical "viewing" and basic filtering, we need to
cater for the common Search and zoom to feature extents. This will be
arguably one of the more important use-cases because it will allow any
application to use WFS for searching even if it doesn't support the
viewing of the returned GML (eg. Take me to x1,x2,y1,y2 and then just bind
to our WMS)

eg. Search for a Locality name of "Blah*", 20 results are returned, user

can click each result to zoom to feature extents.

On this specific use-case, the great thing about Geoserver is that you

can choose to not return the feature geometry which makes the responses
lightning quick.

The example in jira obviously uses a spatial extent filter but you get

the idea on what we are trying to achieve.

<wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.0.0" maxfeatures="10"

outputFormat="GML2" xmlns:topp="http://www.openplans.org/topp&quot;

<wfs:Query typeName="slip:LGATE-008">
<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4283&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates>115.777,-31.916 115.79,-31.897</gml:coordinates>

This query results in,

<wfs:FeatureCollection xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openplans.org/topp


<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">115.74991083,-31.96271134



As you can see, boundedBy is unknown for both features. Yes, we do have

the feature extents option checked :). Looking at the Geoserver log,

INFO: No FID attribute was contained in your query. Appending the

discovered one to the list of columns to be fetched.

Initially, i translated this into Geoserver needing the GID.FID

propertyname specified so it could calculate the extents. Thinking about
things further - this might not be the case. This lead me to believe that
perhaps Geoserver can not calculate the extents off SDE tables, but if you
use the same query but drop the <wfs:PropertyName>NAME</wfs:PropertyName>
constraint, Geoserver returns all attributes, feature geometry PLUS the
boundedBy extents!

<gml:Box srsName="http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326&quot;&gt;
<gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">115.74991083,-31.93852352



Now i've had longer to take a look at whats going on - i think its fair

to say that the boundedBy element can only be generated if the feature
geometry is requested aswell. If this is true, it will be unfortunate for
our situation in terms of performance. Many of the common searches such as
on Administration boundaries could contain 200kb+ of geometry which is a
very large overhead if most just want the extents to formulate a WMS
request. GML2-GZIP is an option but in any case, the overhead remains.

I will digest things further, apologies for the initial tracker as it

seems the issue is ill-defined.



On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 10:35:11 -0500, "Farber, Saul \(ENV\)"

<Saul.Farber@anonymised.com> wrote:


Hey there, my name is Saul Farber and I'm one of the developers of the
geotools arcsde plugin code. I've been looking at the JIRA bug you


(here: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOS-927) and trying to get a
handle on how to fix your problem.

I wrote this long email, and realized you may just be looking for a


anwser. So here's the short answer:

If you want to query an FID on a geoserver featuretype use a FeatureID
filter. Like this one.

<Filter xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;&gt;
  <FeatureId fid="SCHEMA.TABLENAME.412" />

Here's a qualification to the short answer: If your arcsde


has declared an SE_ROWID_COLUMN_NAME for its business table, this won't
work (it won't go to the SHAPE.FID field like I think you want).

Here's the long answer that I originally typed about how to figure out
whether your FID filter is actually going to work. It can be safely
skipped if you're uninterested!

Here's a bit about how ArcSDE handles 'FID' columns. ArcSDE has at


two ways of coming up with a unique 'featureid' for a given row in a
spatial table.

Method #1: Use the declared "rowid" field. ArcSDE allows a table to
declare that a particular column is the "rowid" column for that table.
RowID columns are essentially primary key columns. Can't be null,


duplicate values...etc. They can be managed by the user (so when you
insert something you have to deal with sequence/uniqueness yourself) or
they can be managed by SDE (leave that value blank when you insert, it
will fill in an appropriate one from a sequence for you).

When Geoserver starts up and loads the configuration for a particular


table, it inspects the table to see if there's a registered "rowid


for that table. If so, it maps the FID for that featuretype onto the



Method #2: Use the foreign key value of the spatial field (usually


SHAPE, but can be called whatever you like). The spatial field is


an integer foreign key into a seperate "F_###" table, which has a


(or BLOB) which stores the actual geometry...along with some
pre-calculated values like area, perimeter, etc. So if your business
table row looks like this:


Then somewhere there's a table called "F_XXX" (where XXX is a number)


a row like:


When geoserver starts up, if it can't do method #1 (because there's now
ROWID field registered for that table) then it will fall back to this
method. It will map the FID for that featuretype onto the value of the
TABLE.FID in that SDE featureclass.

Here's the confusing part: ArcSDE allows you to reference fields in


linked F_XXX table by using a 'dot'. So you can generally query ArcSDE
for the area of a shape by using "BUSINESS_TABLE.AREA" This doesn't


from Geoserver, however.

We *do* however, support the special case of the TABLE.FID column, but
only when Method #2 has been engaged. So if you need to query the
TABLE.FID column, use an FIDFilter and the query will be generated
correctly (TABLE.FID).

Like this one:

<Filter xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/ogc&quot;&gt;
  <FeatureId fid="SCHEMA.TABLENAME.412" />

Let me know if any of this is helpful.

