[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9339) App-Schema Cardinality 1..N support for unbounded anonymous sequence children elements

Fernando Miño created an issue

GeoServer / New FeatureGEOS-9339

App-Schema Cardinality 1…N support for unbounded anonymous sequence children elements

Issue Type:

New FeatureNew Feature


Fernando Miño


Application schema


19/Sep/19 2:10 AM




Fernando Miño

This feature introduces another variant of Cardinality 1…N that can be used for nested elements on an unbounded anonymous sequence, adding a slash ( / ) character at the begginning of the ClientProperty name attribute:


In this example the ‘st:code’ element children will be generated with the computed client property value:

  <st:Station gml:id="st.1">
    <st:name>Station 1</st:name>

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