[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9426) Legend graphic not showing right color when using attribute to get color from database column

Fredrik Ekström created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9426

Legend graphic not showing right color when using attribute to get color from database column

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:





1.PNG, 2.PNG


09/Dec/19 10:56 AM




Fredrik Ekström

I tyr to get the color value from a column i my database, i have tried with both SLD and CSS with same result
All features are lines that got diffrent colors. i want the user to beable to change the color simply by writing the HEX color for the feature directly from QGIS to my postgis.
In short my css-style looks like

/* @title Alets naturreservat */
[namn = ‘Alets naturreservat’]

{ stroke: [farg]; }

/* @title Annies gård gula slingan */
[namn = ‘Annies gård gula slingan’]

{ stroke: [farg]; }

The features renders with the right colos in the layer preview but in the legend all lines are black.
Is this a known issue? I tried to search for it but i only found many other bugs with the legend graphics.

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