[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9480) Cascading WMS: fallback CRS should be configurable

Jukka Rahkonen created an issue

GeoServer / ImprovementGEOS-9480

Cascading WMS: fallback CRS should be configurable

Issue Type:





30/Jan/20 8:34 AM




Jukka Rahkonen

When user makes GetMap request for Geoserver by using some CRS that is not supported by the remote WMS server then Geoserver sends query by using some other CRS. Geoserver selects this other CRS by capturing it from the first BoundingBox that is announced in the GetCapabilities for the layer. As an example, for the Geoserver demo layer sf:restricted the BoundingBox list is

´<BoundingBox CRS=“CRS:84” minx=“-103.85057172920756” miny=“44.39436387625042” maxx=“-103.74741494853805” maxy=“44.48215752041131”/>
<BoundingBox CRS=“EPSG:26713” minx=“591579.1858092896” miny=“4916236.662227167” maxx=“599648.9251686076” maxy=“4925872.146218054”/>´

However, the CRS of the first BoundingBox is not always the best selection and using some other CRS could give less distortions in re-projections. Especially if the remote WMS server is Geoserver then the first BoundingBox is always CRS:84 (see also #GEOS-8742). In the sf:restricted case the better fallback CRS to be used with cascading would probably be EPSG:26713 that is native for the layer.

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