[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9597) the server mangles the URL and attempts to turn it into a file URL

john sheflin created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9597

the server mangles the URL and attempts to turn it into a file URL

Issue Type:





29/Apr/20 7:50 PM


Build Date
20-Jan-2020 18:21
GeoTools Version
22.2 (rev 648dda215d0ec25671eabc119de4d2be80a992fd)
GeoWebCache Version:
1.16.2 (rev 1.16.x/84a6736412921b9e6a587f0f150822eb3bf238bc)`




john sheflin

description of the bug: I used to be able to simply setup a data store for a shapefile using a public facing AWS S3 URL for the Connection Parameters field and I could publish layers/services for it with no problem. That was version 2.16.0 of Geoserver (build date 18-Sep-2019).

However, on recent Geoserver deploys, the server mangles the URL and attempts to turn it into a file URL like this one for example:
Which, prevents successful Publishing.

      1. Reproduction Steps
        Have a public S3 repo with a shapefile in it. For example:
        Try to use that URL for in the Connection Parameters Shapefile Location field when configuring a datastore.
        Hit the Save button and then it will take you to “Layers” where you can “Publish” it.
        After you hit “Publish”, you get a stacktrace:
        Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/www/geoserver/https:/usgs-shapefiles.s3.amazonaws.com/5e57f958bf0a3642014f3e6c/1790-1823_BlackCone_flow.shp (No such file or directory) at org.geotools.data.store.ContentFeatureSource.getAbsoluteSchema(ContentFeatureSource.java:329) at org.geotools.data.store.ContentFeatureSource.getSchema(ContentFeatureSource.java:296) at org.geotools.data.store.ContentFeatureSource.getSchema(ContentFeatureSource.java:105) at org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder.buildFeatureType(CatalogBuilder.java:342) at org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder.buildFeatureType(CatalogBuilder.java:325) at org.geoserver.web.data.layer.NewLayerPage.buildLayerInfo(NewLayerPage.java:413) ... 125 more
        When you go back into the datastore (Edit), you will find that Geoserver mangled the original URL and turned it into a combination “file” and “http” URL, like this one:
        If you attempt to Save again from the Edit page, you will get an error:
        “Could not find file: file:///var/www/geoserver/https:/usgs-shapefiles.s3.amazonaws.com/5e57f958bf0a3642014f3e6c/1790-1823_BlackCone_flow.shp”
        Of course, this is unpublishable.
        This used to actually work in version 2.16.0 of Geoserver (build date 18-Sep-2019).
        1. Error Log
          Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/www/geoserver/https:/usgs-shapefiles.s3.amazonaws.com/5e57f958bf0a3642014f3e6c/1790-1823_BlackCone_flow.shp (No such file or directory) at org.geotools.data.store.ContentFeatureSource.getAbsoluteSchema(ContentFeatureSource.java:329) at org.geotools.data.store.ContentFeatureSource.getSchema(ContentFeatureSource.java:296) at org.geotools.data.store.ContentFeatureSource.getSchema(ContentFeatureSource.java:105) at org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder.buildFeatureType(CatalogBuilder.java:342) at org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder.buildFeatureType(CatalogBuilder.java:325) at org.geoserver.web.data.layer.NewLayerPage.buildLayerInfo(NewLayerPage.java:413) ... 125 more
        2. Environment
          -JVM Version : Private Build: 1.8.0_242 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM)
  • CLI Version :
  • Framework Version:
  • OS : Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
    `GeoServer Version
    Git Revision

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