[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9606) JdbcStore: allow directories to be automatically cached

Niels Charlier created an issue

GeoServer / New FeatureGEOS-9606

JdbcStore: allow directories to be automatically cached

Issue Type:

New FeatureNew Feature






05/May/20 3:10 PM




Niels Charlier

Now files are cached by calling the file() or dir() method, so that they can be passed on to libraries that can only handle files, such as SLD.

But this feature doesn’t work when users have to provide a path via configuration, to for example an Application Mapping File, because application schema datastore is in geotools and not resource aware.

The new feature would keep some resource automatically cached on the file system at all times. It would be specified in the same manner as ignoreDirectories which bypasses the jdbcstore for some directories. The difference being though, is that with the new features the content of the file will still remain in the database, and automatically synced between nodes and survice re-deployment of a server from scratch.

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