Dear list,
we’re trying to configure a pregeneralized datastore to speedup the vector tyles cache generation with no luck.
Actually asking in layerpreview for a simple application/openlayer everything works very well.
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [renderer.lite] - Computed scale denominator: 2.7922819993363017E8
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [renderer.lite] - creating rules for scale denominator - 279,228,199.934
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [data.util] - CRSConverterFactory can be applied from Strings to CRS only.
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [data.util] - InterpolationConverterFactory can be applied from Strings to Interpolation only.
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [renderer.lite] - Processing 1 stylers for n50:gadm36_0_3857_gen
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [renderer.lite] - Expanding rendering area by 2 pixels to consider stroke width
14 May 20:45:36 WARN [operation.projection] - Possible use of “Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator” projection outside its valid area.
Longitude 2147483287░00.0’W is out of range (▒180░).
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [renderer.lite] - Querying layer n50:gadm36_0_3857_gen with bbox: ReferencedEnvelope[-2.4862478922090434E7 : 2.4862478922090434E7, -3.604277604743299E7 : 2.4315191650220517E7]
14 May 20:45:36 TRACE [util.factory] - ENTRY (GeometryFactory, JTS_GEOMETRY_FACTORY)
14 May 20:45:36 TRACE [util.factory] - RETURN (GeometryFactory, JTS_GEOMETRY_FACTORY): found implementation Optional.
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [data.gen] - Hint geometry distance: 62547.11678513289
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [data.gen] - Hint geometry distance: 62547.11678513289
14 May 20:45:36 INFO [data.gen] - Using generalizsation: postgis_n50 gadm36_0_3857 geom500 500.0
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - CREATE CONNECTION
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [data.jdbc] - exporting PropertyName
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [data.util] - CRSConverterFactory can be applied from Strings to CRS only.
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [data.util] - InterpolationConverterFactory can be applied from Strings to Interpolation only.
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - SELECT “gid”,ST_AsBinary(“geom500”) as “geom500” FROM “public”.“gadm36_0_3857” WHERE “geom” && ST_GeomFromWKB(?, 3857)
14 May 20:45:36 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - 1 = POLYGON ((-24862478.922090434 -19971868.88040857, 24862478.922090434 -19971868.88040857, 24862478.922090434 19971868.880408563, -24862478.922090434 19971868.880408563, -24862478.922090434 -19971868.88040857))
14 May 20:45:48 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - CLOSE CONNECTION
Once we try to ask for a mapbox vector tile (or geoJson) to WMS using the layerpreview page, seems that the hint for the geometry distance is not used as well.
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [geoserver.wms] - setting up map
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [data.gen] - Hint for geometry simplification in query, fallback to base feature
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [data.gen] - No hint for geometry distance in query, fallback to base feature
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [data.gen] - Hint for geometry simplification in query, fallback to base feature
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [data.gen] - No hint for geometry distance in query, fallback to base feature
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - CREATE CONNECTION
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [data.jdbc] - exporting PropertyName
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [data.util] - CRSConverterFactory can be applied from Strings to CRS only.
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [data.util] - InterpolationConverterFactory can be applied from Strings to Interpolation only.
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - SELECT “gid”,“gid_0”,“name_0”,ST_AsBinary(“geom”) as “geom”,“fid” FROM “public”.“gadm36_0_3857” WHERE “geom” && ST_GeomFromWKB(?, 3857)
14 May 20:49:34 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - 1 = POLYGON ((-20100916.899652816 -30304381.79087722, 20100916.899652816 -30304381.79087722, 20100916.899652816 18516704.85076622, -20100916.899652816 18516704.85076622, -20100916.899652816 -30304381.79087722))
14 May 20:52:01 DEBUG [geotools.jdbc] - CLOSE CONNECTION4
I think that having PreGeneralized Datastore as backend for the Vector Tile (supporting GEOMETRY_DISTANCE and GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION may help to speedup a lot seeding big source of data: