[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9768) TIME dimension and CLIP WMS vendor parameter does not work in the same time

Charles-Henry COLIN created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9768

TIME dimension and CLIP WMS vendor parameter does not work in the same time

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:





Clip_image.png, mask.png




13/Oct/20 12:03 PM


geoserver 2.17.2 install on windows server 2016




Charles-Henry COLIN

I’m working with an imagemosaic store composed of geotiff multiband rasters all projected in EPSG:3857.
Rasters are compressed (DEFLATE) and store on the windows server Filesystem.
I’m rendering this store with a layergroup composed of the same layer but render differently twice.

The layer has a TIME dimension define in the index.properties file correctly and working fine.

In the WMS request I use the vendor parameter CLIP which is clipping my png return image with a polygon define correctly in SRID4326 with the extended parameter : SRID=4326;Polygone((…etc.)) and it works fine. (Just a small rendering issue that you can see in join file “Clip_image.png” where we see that contours are pixelized. From my opinion this is due to a CLIP method apply at a too early stage before bicubic interpolation is applied.)

The big issue is when you use both parameters in the same WMS request : TIME=YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD and CLIP=srid=4326;POLYGON((…)) it returns you the wrong image (at a wrong date) but correctly clipped. Actually this is strange because it returns always the image corresponding at the closest
date from now, no matter of your layer dimension TIME settings.

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