[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9788) Keycloak-plugin wrong role mapping

Paul Biskup created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9788

Keycloak-plugin wrong role mapping

Issue Type:


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Community modules, Security


06/Nov/20 1:11 PM




Paul Biskup

This issue is referencing to this GeoServer-dev-mailing-list-post: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Keycloak-plugin-wrong-role-mapping-td5449169.html

I was trying to setup GeoServer using the Keycloak-authentication-plugin following this documentation: https://docs.geoserver.org/latest/en/user/community/keycloak/index.html
I was able to connect to my Keycloak and to set it up for the ADMINISTRATOR- and AUTHENTICATED-role, as described in the example.

But when I tried to use own Keycloak-roles it wasn’t working and I was facing the same problems as the user in this GeoServer-User-mailinglist-post: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Keycloak-Roles-td5427804.html
Running the GeoServer in debug-mode I found the problem, which is caused by the used authority-mapper-class, that is trying to map the rolenames from Keycloak against the rolenames in GeoServer:

This SimpleAuthorityMapper-class is setting the default prefix „ROLE_“ in front of every rolename coming from Keycloak:

public final class SimpleAuthorityMapper implements GrantedAuthoritiesMapper,
InitializingBean {
private GrantedAuthority defaultAuthority;
private String prefix = "ROLE

This is why it was working for the ADMINISTRATOR- and AUTHENTICATED-roles which which are system-roles in GeoServer (ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR and ROLE_AUTHENTICATED: https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/security/usergrouprole/roles.html).

To get it working you had to add the prefix „ROLE_“ to the GeoServer-roles.
Keycloak-role: „KC_GEOSERVER“
the role in GeoServer had to be named like this: „ROLE_KC_GEOSERVER“

This is not the expected behaviour. Usually you want to use exactly the same rolenames in GeoServer and Keycloak.

I have found the place in the GeoServer-Keycloak-plugin-code to fix this:

old code:
public GeoServerKeycloakFilter()

{ this.adapterTokenStoreFactory = new SpringSecurityAdapterTokenStoreFactory(); this.authenticationMapper = new KeycloakAuthenticationProvider(); authenticationMapper.setGrantedAuthoritiesMapper(new SimpleAuthorityMapper()); }

new code:
public GeoServerKeycloakFilter()

{ this.adapterTokenStoreFactory = new SpringSecurityAdapterTokenStoreFactory(); this.authenticationMapper = new KeycloakAuthenticationProvider(); SimpleAuthorityMapper simpleAuthMapper = new SimpleAuthorityMapper(); simpleAuthMapper.setPrefix(“”); authenticationMapper.setGrantedAuthoritiesMapper(simpleAuthMapper); }

Additionally also the Keycloak-documentation should be updated.

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