[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9897) JTS upgrade breaks geofence integration

Emanuele Tajariol created an issue

GeoServer / TaskGEOS-9897

JTS upgrade breaks geofence integration

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:

2.17.3, 2.18.0, 2.18.1, 2.17.4, 2.18.2


Emanuele Tajariol




10/Feb/21 4:24 PM


GeoServer >=2.17.3
geofence-server with postgis backend




Emanuele Tajariol

Since 2.17.3 JTS has been upgraded to 1.17.0
JTS 1.17 breaks API compatibility (see https://github.com/locationtech/jts/blob/master/doc/JTS_Version_History.md#api-changes-1)
This break happens within the postgis driver for hibernate spatial used by GeoFence.
This means that if GeoFence runs as a standalone webapp, the JTS version will be the one declared within the GeoFence deps and everything will work. When GeoFence is run within GeoServer, it will use the GeoServer version, and hibernate spatial will break.

A new version of hibernate spatial ( has been built with support to JTS 1.17.
Since GeoServer 2.17.x relies on GeoFence 2.4.6, a new release ( has been done, using the updated hibernate-spatial version.

Version 2.18 will use the 3.4.6 as well, since next version brings in some changes in DTOs (SRID and areas)
Version 2.19 is using a geofence version that supports the SRID and area changes.

Pls also refer to https://github.com/geoserver/geofence/issues/166

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