[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9905) Fix login/logout form pluggability

Andrea Aime created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9905

Fix login/logout form pluggability

Issue Type:



Andrea Aime


12/Feb/21 2:50 PM




Andrea Aime

Currently the login form pluggability is not working correctly, as the LoginFormInfo is baked in the application context files, and given a fixed “name” attribute, and compared with the names of filters in the web chain, in order to activate a given login form.
That works for “form”, because the name used in the web chain is rarely modified by users, but won’t for other login protocols, because the name is chosen by the user and is unlikely to match what’s in the app context.

For the logout forms, the pluggability instead is making no sense, as there is a single logout handling that triggers logout on all filters (only one will actually do something sensible of course, the one of the method actually used for the login). So, LogoutFormInfo should go, replaced by a simple logout button.

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