[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9964) Expected log messages not appearing when activating netcdf4 support with the netcdf-out plugin

Benjamin Root created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9964

Expected log messages not appearing when activating netcdf4 support with the netcdf-out plugin

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:





Documentation, NetCDF


08/Mar/21 11:00 PM


Amazon Linux 2 (CentOS-based)




Benjamin Root

This is either a documentation bug, or some sort of logging bug, but it did cause me to chase ghosts for a few hours.

According to https://docs.geoserver.org/maintain/en/user/extensions/netcdf-out/nc4.html#geoserver-startup-checks, there is supposed to be an indication in a log (which?!) that the loading of the native netcdf4 library was successful or failed. As far as I can tell, neither message appears in any log that I could find as of v2.17.2 (the only version I have tried). Spent a bunch of time trying to figure out what went wrong before finally deciding to actually try a WCS call with application/x-netcdf4 as an output format, and it worked.

Possibly related, the WCS Capabilities document also doesn’t advertise that it supports application/x-netcdf4, only application/x-netcdf, which corresponds to NetCDF-3. Maybe that is tied in with the lack of any logging message, I don’t know…

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