[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9985) Impossible to configure a WMS cascading layer with JDBCConfig

Andrea Aime created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-9985

Impossible to configure a WMS cascading layer with JDBCConfig

Issue Type:



Andrea Aime


JDBCConfig, Wicket UI


19/Mar/21 4:31 PM




Andrea Aime

Trying to configure a WMS cascading layer fails when using JDBCConfig.

The issue is related to how remote WMS styles are managed, they are not regular StyleInfo, but on the fly wrappers around the remote style name without an identifier. JDBCConfig tries to store them anyways and blows up.

Also, the GUI is not reporting the exact trace of the failure at production logging level, making debugging this harder.

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