GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2014-08-05
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jukka Rahkonen
Jody Garnett
Andrea Aime
- Maven Central SSL
- 2.6.x RC1 Release
- GeoServer “Best Of List” for FOSS4G
- AuScope Roadshow 2014
- LocationTech Roadshow
- General Chatter
- Jody: take 2.6-beta feedback into individual bug reports for discussion/resolution
- Ben: Going to write a blog post about auscope roadshow
- Jukka: Test 2.6-beta windows start.bat story
- Andrea: post the meeting logs
- Ben: Ask for volunteers to make 2.6-RC1, 2.4.8 (last 2.4.x release)
Actions from last time
- Andrea: Add advanced projection handling to docs or javadocs? (AA)
- Jody: kick wordpress blog an issue about feed.xml script access
- Justin: can you review please
- Ben: posting minuets like a boss [DONE, sonata next time]
Maven Central SSL
Now available. Unsigned artifacts + unsecure download source = trouble
Sonatype were charging people a fee, 14 subscribers ever :-p
Now available for free (right?)
Upgrade OSGeo and other repos to SSL?
If you want to do that raise a ticket in trac? Would need a search and replace pom.xml? Which would break http access (inconsistent pom.xml https vs http).
Q: Update reference to maven central? (for master)
A: Volunteer Ben cause he knows everything!
2.6-beta release
Yay! So how did the beta do?
Testing feedback:
- wfs-ng? Bug raised - but no action
- ping niels (and justin?)
- rendering?
- was not beta specific
- Jody’s preflight testing
- OSX: yet not working (installer), couple suggestions, hack the JDK (install guide as a temporary measure)
- Windows: not staring if you are not running as a service (normal batch scripts are not working) → unpack in a different directory, program data something
- Remove the source packaging, just point at Github (remove from release scripts?)
- Jukka testing
Testing start.bat is not finding java home?
(Jukkka to testing) startup.bat is checking JAVA_HOME and that is no more set → needs different logic for finding jre
Possible Workaround of setting JAVA_HOME env variable.
Or try to understand what Edgar Soldin has done with OpenJUMP
2.6.x/2.4.8 RC1 Release
August 18th:
- 2.6-rc1: Andrea to send mail to ml ask for takers
- 2.4.8: Jody
AuScope Roadshow 2014
[Text from email by Rini]
AuScope is having a road show in September in Perth, Sydney and Adelaide.
It will cover open source geospatial technologies such as GeoServer, QGIS and others.
There will also be a Developer Day where developers have a chance to collaborate with others including AuScope developers to discuss solutions to problems using these technologies.
Please extend the invitation to others who might be interested in attending:
Same week as FOSS4G in Portland.
If you cannot attend Portland - consider attending this.
Developer day? (Code sprint-light). See wiki page.
Task: Ben with writing a geoserver blog invite to this thing.
LocationTech Roadshow
Open to all manner of geospatial presentations, welcome to get in touch and take part.
Q: North american only?
A: No - there is a couple in europe
General Chatter
- Pre-foss4g blog post? yes please … anyone?
- Windows 2.6-beta testing (live with Jukka)
Jukka tested 2.6-beta + java 7 + win 7, works if we set java_home manually. See also:
Take 2.6-beta feedback into bug reports for discussion/resolution. Action: Jody
ScalUtils calculations.
No fix for this one, deep JAI utility class.
Intersecting one from justin, more large catalog scalability.
I think we are good to go? Andrea can you ping the board the email.