[Geoserver-devel] Map Data and Graphics

No I understand I need a client. I have a working install. But I need to
know if any of the Datastore formats will
allow for serving of graphics like blue marble. I.E. can an image be put
into postgres ect. or will the GeoServer only
serve up images generated from graphical type data.

Someone else actually just asked about something similar. For now no.
We are just getting the capability to serve raster images, but it's on the
wcs branch in svn. Have you checked out mapserver? That's what I'd

Also I am having
trouble getting VMAP data configured.

It's still beta, so that doesn't surprise me. I did some qa on it a
couple weeks ago, but I'm not sure if my changes got rolled in. You may
try downloading the latest gt2 2.1 release, and using that plug-in instead
of the one in geotools, but that also may already be in the latest gs
release. If you find specific bugs then you can report them.


Jay Kahler

Chris Holmes wrote:

>Um. Yes?
>Do you have map data that you want to serve? The answer depends on if
>it's a format that GeoServer supports. Or is blue marble what you want to
>server? We don't support blue marble yet.
>Note that geoserver is just a server, and you'll need a client, like
>community mapbuilder if you want an online map, to make something useable.
>The docs have info on how to configure the various datastores working.
>See http://geoserver.sourceforge.net/documentation/index.html (click on
>datastores). We also have support for raster formts coming on a branch.
