GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2014-10-14
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jody Garnett
Marcus Sen
Andrea Aime
- 2.5.3 release
- 2.6.1 release
- WPS clustering changes incoming
New Actions
- IanT: GeoTools 12.0 - [PENDING]
- JG: Ask Justin about timeframe for updating Spring? (Sampo is waiting on this for WFS stored query)
- BCD: Will look at finding volunteer to test performance fix
- JG: Will check if I can push out 2.6.1 (no set timeframed)
- JG: Review #777 importer for ians
Review Actions from last meeting
- JG/JD: Build DMG [DONE]
- AA: Linux test [DONE]
- BCD: Ask Ian about blog post [DONE]
Foss4g: - JG: foss4g slide/video blogs so we can link to them for release [DONE]
- Marcus: Search foss4g website for other related talks (search source for GeoServer to get all the titles). “Vertical Solution” = include GeoServer [DONE]
Community additions: - AA: Solr ← first [DONE]
- AA: JMS Clustering [DONE]
- AA: GeoFence (docs, bug, …)
- JD: Hazelcast Cluster
Upgrades: - JD: Looking at Spring 4.2, will send email of regression/glitches [PENDING]
- JD: Jetty required for new Spring (as it uses Servlet 3.0) [PENDING]
- JD: wfs stored queries (Sampo Savolainen) [waiting on spring]
- AA: contact Sampo and see if he can resume work on wfs stored queries [DONE]
Pull requests: - JG: Contact Dwins about missing tests (GS PR 752/753) [DONE]
- AA: Check with JD about Cite and fix from Brad [DONE]
WMS DataURL: - Marcus - submit pull request when paperwork complete [PENDING]
lost tasks:
- IanT - GeoTools 12.0 [PENDING]
- Q: Is Justin updating Spring? Sampo is waiting on this for WFS stored query
2.5.3 release
- had a 30 x 2 tickets closed
- keep an eye our on directory names (stable maintenance)
- Q: Volunteer A: Andrea has volunteered
2.6.1 release
- 2.6.0 release gone
- GeoTools 12 needs to be announced (IanT pending)
- Performance regression? Summary unusable in production for anyone using JDBCDataStore.
- Q: Do we need a 2.6.1
Anyone in position to release 2.6.1:
- AA: Has tried merging a fix: needs someone to test that a) confirm performance is fixed b) test that Niels’ original problem (layer group with 100+ layers) is fixed
- BCD: Will look at finding volunteer to test
- JG: Will check if I can push out 2.6.1 (no set timeframed)
WPS clustering changes incoming
Andrea starting on on WPS clustering, make async request against cluster etc…
Expect significant refactor, stay tuned to the devel list for proposal/details.
General Idea:
- API Store for process status (database, hazelcast)
- Second store for process artifacts (thin wrapper around resource store: s3, file, etc…)
- Expose cancel operation as a vendor extension (additional OGC style operation)
- Status page in GeoServer (list processess and kill a process) - will work with non cluster “un memory” storage
- Tried to implement process lifecycle listener, will try again. Make the class that manages all the status of all the processes become a listener. Could have mail notification out of this, not sure.
Out of scope (volunteer?):
wps 2.0 process management
smart cluster balance (rather than load balancer magic)
Coming later down the road:
- wps limits (so we can finally put WPS in core)
General Chatter
- GetLegendGraphics pull request can now be merged (due to our organisation
- dwins: Avoid declaring XML namespace in WFS 1.1 capabilities: good has test, merged
- dwins: Use proper namespace for BoundingBox elements constructed in WPS request: lacks test, blocked
- ians: GEOS-6709 fix import transforms, add tests: jody will at it
- Nicola Lagomarsini backports: wait for 2.6.1 to be out (emergency release, it will be out soon)
- CSIRO: expect their build box to go stale ( (linux with space in the path, used for extensive testing of app schema). Details at:
- CSIRO: Some discussion of current build failures with Oracle 11g and PostGIS 9.1 etc…
- CSIRO: BCD will look at sending observer to bi-weekly meeting going forward
- Ben may propose moving meeting time (more Justin friendly)