[Geoserver-devel] Meeting times

Hello Developers,

Now that Geotools has settled on a day for their meetings, I have arranged for some possible time slots below.
We will try with two meetings in one day to start with, and then adjust them as time goes on. The first one will be next week, Tuesday Dec 20. Even if not everyone can make it, we will hold it just to get things rolling.

The first meeting time at:

Tuesday 5:00-UTC http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?day=20&month=12&year=2005&p1=256&p2=28&p3=111&p4=264
Mon 9:00 PM -Vancouver
Tue Noon -Bangkok
Tue 7:00 AM -Johannesburg
Tue 6:00 PM -Wellington

and the second meeting at:

Tuesday 19:00-UTC
Tue 11:00 AM -Vancouver
Wed 2:00 AM -Bangkok
Tue 9:00 PM -Johannesburg
Wed 8:00 AM -Wellington

If anyone can suggest a better time, especially for the second one, please e-mail the list.

We will post the logs on the geoserver.org website immediately after the meeting has finished. Important points will be brought up in the second meeting that were covered in the first. I can run all of the first few meetings until January, then I can only run the first (5:00 UTC) one. Someone else will have to take the second meeting.

Here is the proposed formatting of the meetings:
-1) meeting agenda items are proposed (2 minutes)
-2) Each person says what they have worked on in the last week
-3) Each person then says what they will be working on this coming week
-4) Each person says who's help they will need in the coming week (if any)
(2, 3, and 4 are all done at once by each person, then the next person covers all 3)
Max 10 minutes, 30 seconds for each person
-5) Discussion of agenda items - max 30 minutes total

If we keep the meeting under 45 minutes, it will be easier to attend and more people will show up. The agenda items will be optional to attend; if they don't involve you at all, no real need to be there. But the first part, where everyone describes what they are working on, should be attended by everyone. It will keep everyone in the light and aware of what is going on.

Any suggestions, please e-mail the list. I will send another reminder monday, and the following monday.


Brent Owens