[Repurposing and renaming a thread from geotools-users:]
On 13/05/12 16:49, Andrea Aime wrote:
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 4:03 AM, Michael Bedward
<michael.bedward@anonymised.com> wrote:Thanks for the pointer to the GeoServer legend creation code David. If
acceptable, and feasible, it would be really useful to move this into
GeoTools at some stage - perhaps to sit in gt-main or gt-render.Sure. GeoServer has a history of contributing back to GeoTools everything that
is not network service specific, so I believe you backporting the legend code
and making it useful for other apps too would be something welcomed indeed
The only formality is that, because GeoServer is a GPL project and GeoTools is an LGPL project, moving code from GeoServer to GeoTools requires the agreement of TOPP (or the original contributor). The code must be a new contribution to avoid contaminating GeoTools with the requirements of the GPL. Using TOPP means not having to track down the original authors.
This kind of cross-project refactoring is a good thing, but in my view we need to preserve the separation of licences. For example, I can't just grab a chunk of GeoServer and commit it into the GeoTools repo and say "whatever, it is all open source".
I am tempted to treat OpenGeo staff as being able to approve this, but I am not a lawyer and I don't know if TOPP and OpenGeo are as indistinguishable as I would like to pretend. Could this be as easy as making sure an OpenGeo employee approves the transfer by making a comment on the Jira issue for the GeoTools patch based on GeoServer? Would this be sufficient to make the GeoTools patch a new contribution assigned to OSGeo?
Chris, would you care to comment?
Kind regards,
Ben Caradoc-Davies <Ben.Caradoc-Davies@anonymised.com>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre