[Geoserver-devel] Mvn 2 build Error Report


Here is the problem I am getting… See Attached files…

The first error the compiler get is “C:\projects\1.4.x\org.vfny.geoserver.main\src\org\vfny\geoserver\global\FeatureTypeInfo.java:[19,28] package org.geotools.factory does not exist”, so I included the dependency gt2-main-2.3-SNAPSHOT.jar

org.geotools gt2-main 2.3-SNAPSHOT jar compile

I have included in the root POM the dependency for some reason the dependency is not found… I went on further to included the dependancy in the pom.xml.main file… but still no luck!!!

Explaination of Attachments
dump.txt - This is the Maven Screen Dump
dumpDir.txt - Directory dump of the repository for gt2-main
pom.xml.parent - 1.4.x\ The POM file in the root of 1.4x (Renamed POM.XML to what you see for clarification)
pom.xml.main - 1.4.x\org.vfny.geoserver.main\ The POM file in the module org.vfny.geoserver.main (Renamed POM.XML to what you see for clarification)


ps: Anyone can see what I am obviously missing please enlighten me…


dump.txt (5.76 KB)
pom.xml.main (3.02 KB)
pom.xml.parent (6.75 KB)