[Geoserver-devel] Namespaces and BBox queries

Hello -

I am using GeoServer 1.2.4 and have the following questions.

1) Is it possible to publish my feature type without a namespace? i.e. if the PostGIS table name is XYZ, can queries be made to XYZ, or do they have to be made to mynamespace:XYZ?

2) The OGC filter implementation specification indicates that the PropertyName is optional on a BBox filter. However, I am unable to get GeoServer to return values for a GetFeature request with a BBox filter unless I specify the PropertyName. Is there something I need to configure in order to indicate the spatial key for my featureType? The setup docs indicate that there can only be one geometry column per featureType, so I was hoping the server would assume that this single column was the key.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Sorry... I intended for this question to go to the users list. I will post it there.

Sorry again

Scott Melby wrote:

Hello -

I am using GeoServer 1.2.4 and have the following questions.

1) Is it possible to publish my feature type without a namespace? i.e. if the PostGIS table name is XYZ, can queries be made to XYZ, or do they have to be made to mynamespace:XYZ?

2) The OGC filter implementation specification indicates that the PropertyName is optional on a BBox filter. However, I am unable to get GeoServer to return values for a GetFeature request with a BBox filter unless I specify the PropertyName. Is there something I need to configure in order to indicate the spatial key for my featureType? The setup docs indicate that there can only be one geometry column per featureType, so I was hoping the server would assume that this single column was the key.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
