[Geoserver-devel] Need help to get branch 2.1.x and trunk translated well

Hello List,

I'm still working on translations and like to ask several questions.

in general:
- Do you have a kind of Style-Guide for UI Labels? (e.g. use the verb
first, than the object for actions, description labels for pages
should describe, what the user can achieve, etc)
- there are default values previewed in text boxes like 'username' and
'password' at log in pages for username and password fields. Others
are the Fee and description fields for the services where is shown
NONE per default. Is it possible to externalize these to get them
translated as well. Or is there any logic (e.g. validation) that
requires these specific default values?

GWC specifc:
- What is the unit of "default gutter size" (property
GWCSettingsPage.gutter) can we make this more explicit? Is this a
overlapping area of X tiles or the space between? Where can I find an
english description, properly with an example image?
- For quota size units are used the followings: MiB, GiB and TiB. I'm
wondering why we do not use the international (standardized?) symbols
like MB, GB and TB (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megabyte) see
- I'm a bit confused abut the cleaning options for quotas : "least
frequently vs. least recently" Does the later one means, that the
tiles, that were created recently will be deleted primarily?

- Frank

There’s a brief section on UI guidelines for GeoServer


For small bits of text in the UI like the default text in the password field - if they are dependent on specific values they can be modified to allow translation, but it will may take some developer attention to make it happen. I know in this specific case that the default text for the username/password is actually a little bit of JavaScript magic and not actually in the text field, so translating it should safe - just a little tweak to wrap the text in the template in a wicket:message block.

Maybe we can line up a list of non-translatable bits in the UI and have a code sprint to fix them up. It may even be a good opportunity for new contributors to GeoServer to get their hands dirty with a useful but fairly straightforward task.

I’ll leave the comments on GWC to Gabriel, but the Wikipedia article on cache algorithms may help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_algorithms

“least frequently used” and “least recently used” are fairly well-known and well-defined terms in that space.

David Winslow
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org/

On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 5:19 AM, Frank Gasdorf <fgdrf@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello List,

I’m still working on translations and like to ask several questions.

in general:

  • Do you have a kind of Style-Guide for UI Labels? (e.g. use the verb
    first, than the object for actions, description labels for pages
    should describe, what the user can achieve, etc)
  • there are default values previewed in text boxes like ‘username’ and
    ‘password’ at log in pages for username and password fields. Others
    are the Fee and description fields for the services where is shown
    NONE per default. Is it possible to externalize these to get them
    translated as well. Or is there any logic (e.g. validation) that
    requires these specific default values?

GWC specifc:

  • What is the unit of “default gutter size” (property
    GWCSettingsPage.gutter) can we make this more explicit? Is this a
    overlapping area of X tiles or the space between? Where can I find an
    english description, properly with an example image?
  • For quota size units are used the followings: MiB, GiB and TiB. I’m
    wondering why we do not use the international (standardized?) symbols
    like MB, GB and TB (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megabyte) see
  • I’m a bit confused abut the cleaning options for quotas : “least
    frequently vs. least recently” Does the later one means, that the
    tiles, that were created recently will be deleted primarily?


  • Frank

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.

Geoserver-devel mailing list

GWC specifc:
- What is the unit of "default gutter size" (property

can we make this more explicit? Is this a

overlapping area of X tiles or the space between? Where can I find an
english description, properly with an example image?

The gutter is a buffer in pixels around the metatile image that is
sliced away when saving the tiles to disk. It only applies to
metatiles and is not applied if the resulting request would exceed the
layer bounds.

- For quota size units are used the followings: MiB, GiB and TiB. I'm
wondering why we do not use the international (standardized?) symbols
like MB, GB and TB (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megabyte) see

"The computer industry uses terms such as kilobyte, megabyte, and
gigabyte, and corresponding symbols KB, MB, and GB, in two different
ways. For example, in citations of main memory or RAM capacity,
gigabyte customarily means 1073741824 bytes. This is a power of 2,
specifically 230, therefore this usage is referred to as a binary unit
or binary prefix.
In most other contexts, the industry uses kilo, mega, giga, etc., in a
manner consistent with their meaning in the International System of
Units (SI): as powers of 1000. For example, a 500 gigabyte hard drive
holds 500000000000 bytes, and a 100 megabit per second Ethernet
connection transfers data at 100000000 bit/s."

- I'm a bit confused abut the cleaning options for quotas : "least
frequently vs. least recently" Does the later one means, that the
tiles, that were created recently will be deleted primarily?

Neiher option is based on tile creation time, but on stats about its usage.
So the same tile may have been created a bunch of times (due to
multiple seed runs over a period of time), but the disk quota module
doesn't care about it, but about how often they're requested by client
code (for LFU) or how long is it since they're not requested (for LRU)

As Dave mentioned on his reply <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_algorithm&gt;
LFU: remove the tiles that are less frequently used
LRU: remove the tiles that are less recently used

Hope that helps and thanks for caring about this.


- Frank

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Geoserver-devel mailing list

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.

2011/10/19 Gabriel Roldan <groldan@anonymised.com>:

GWC specifc:
- What is the unit of "default gutter size" (property


All right, so we can change it to "default gutter size (pixel)" or
"default gutter size (px)"

can we make this more explicit? Is this a

overlapping area of X tiles or the space between? Where can I find an
english description, properly with an example image?

The gutter is a buffer in pixels around the metatile image that is
sliced away when saving the tiles to disk. It only applies to
metatiles and is not applied if the resulting request would exceed the
layer bounds.

Very helpful! THX

- For quota size units are used the followings: MiB, GiB and TiB. I'm
wondering why we do not use the international (standardized?) symbols
like MB, GB and TB (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megabyte) see

"The computer industry uses terms such as kilobyte, megabyte, and
gigabyte, and corresponding symbols KB, MB, and GB, in two different
ways. For example, in citations of main memory or RAM capacity,
gigabyte customarily means 1073741824 bytes. This is a power of 2,
specifically 230, therefore this usage is referred to as a binary unit
or binary prefix.
In most other contexts, the industry uses kilo, mega, giga, etc., in a
manner consistent with their meaning in the International System of
Units (SI): as powers of 1000. For example, a 500 gigabyte hard drive
holds 500000000000 bytes, and a 100 megabit per second Ethernet
connection transfers data at 100000000 bit/s."

Understand, but should the usage within a GeoServer instance
consistence, means that all other pages should use the same unit
symbols? Please have a look at other Properties :
CoverageAccessPage.imageIOCacheThreshold and
WCSAdminPage.maxInputMemory for example

- I'm a bit confused abut the cleaning options for quotas : "least
frequently vs. least recently" Does the later one means, that the
tiles, that were created recently will be deleted primarily?

Neiher option is based on tile creation time, but on stats about its usage.
So the same tile may have been created a bunch of times (due to
multiple seed runs over a period of time), but the disk quota module
doesn't care about it, but about how often they're requested by client
code (for LFU) or how long is it since they're not requested (for LRU)

As Dave mentioned on his reply <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_algorithm&gt;
LFU: remove the tiles that are less frequently used
LRU: remove the tiles that are less recently used

Hope that helps and thanks for caring about this.

Thanks again!

- Frank


- Frank

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure contains a
definitive record of customers, application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. Business sense. IT sense. Common sense.
Geoserver-devel mailing list

Gabriel Roldan
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
Expert service straight from the developers.


Understand, but should the usage within a GeoServer instance
consistence, means that all other pages should use the same unit
symbols? Please have a look at other Properties :
CoverageAccessPage.imageIOCacheThreshold and
WCSAdminPage.maxInputMemory for example

I realize it generally just doesn’t matter and it’d be nicer if we used the same sufixes all over the place. Perhaps it could be amended with a bit of i18n. I’ll investigate.
