[Geoserver-devel] New community module: layer/data expiry

I would like to propose a new module that would handle an expiry date for layers and
data within layers, so that when the time comes, the layer or the data gets dropped.

Two identified use cases at the moment:

  • Temporary layers created out of processing, that live for the purpose of making
    the processing results visible via WMS/WMTS, but which are normally not kept
    around in a stable way and are often non advertised
  • Moving window for stable layers with dimension support, where the data inside
    the layer needs to be purged so that too old data is removed

The expiry concept could be implemented in a number of ways, e.g., target expiry
date, timeout after last data usage, keep last N rows, but for this iteration we are
targetting simple expiry date as it’s the simplest mechanism, and with some
work some of the other ones can be reconducted to it.

For layer wide expiry, we would have an expiration date, and a flag that states
whether the date inside the layer also needs to be dropped.
This would in turn reflect into a dropSchema call for vector data, a simple file
delete for simple raster layers (plus eventual sidecar files), and a call
to StructuredCoverage2DReader.delete(…) for mosaics and netcdf files.
Speaking of which, it might make sense to push the delete(…) call from
the StructuredCoverage2DReader to GridCoverage2DReader…
I’ll inquire about this on gt-devel

For layers with dimensions, a CQL filter would identify which features/granules
to delete.
We are envisaging two operation modes, a fixed expiry mode, and a continous one.
In fixed expiry mode one specifies a target expiry date, and a CQL filter that
identifies the features/granules that need to be dropped at that date.
In continous expiry mode we’d have no expiry date, but a filter that embeds
the moving window within itslef, something like:

dateDiff(now(), creationDate, “days”) > 10

Now… .where to store this expiry information? Two options, an external dedicated
database, or embed inside the layers configuration itself, as part of the metadata

We are leaning towards the second option, as it does not have consistency
or clustering issues that we’d have to handle with the first (and catalog
can be offloaded to database if it becomes to big).

So implementation wise we’d have something like this in the metadata for
a simple layer expiration:

... layer 20150228T100000 true ...

For multidimensional layers instead we’d have something like this for
group based expiration:


myAttribute = “ABC”

myAttribute = “EFG”

For continous data expiration instead we’d have something like:

data dateDiff(now(), creationDate, "days") > 10

Of course dateDiff and now would be new filter functions, and we’d teach selected databases
(postgresql for the moment) how to translate them down in sql for efficient execution.

The expiration enforcement code would then look for layers that have the expirationControl
object set, and apply the expiration rules accordingl (with a filter based search, not a in
memory programmatic one).

For large catalogs using jdbcConfig it would be nice to have the existance of expirationControl
be an indexed property so that we can quickly locate layers that have a certain expiry date
set, or that have data based expiry checks, to only grab those out of the large lot of
layers… which begs for an easy way to index a new property, maybe programmatically or
declaratively, in JDBCConfig, eventually against an already setup database… a functionality
that as far as I know is missing. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.




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Ing. Andrea Aime

Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549



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Seems this email is longer than our usual proposal in the wiki :slight_smile:

The idea is sound and I like the direction of thinking about storage implementation and JDBCConfig from the start.

You may wish to call to module automate rather than expire so it has a chance to grow new functionality, such as a timed ingest.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 3:15 AM Andrea Aime <andrea.aime@anonymised.com> wrote:

I would like to propose a new module that would handle an expiry date for layers and
data within layers, so that when the time comes, the layer or the data gets dropped.

Two identified use cases at the moment:

  • Temporary layers created out of processing, that live for the purpose of making
    the processing results visible via WMS/WMTS, but which are normally not kept
    around in a stable way and are often non advertised
  • Moving window for stable layers with dimension support, where the data inside
    the layer needs to be purged so that too old data is removed

The expiry concept could be implemented in a number of ways, e.g., target expiry
date, timeout after last data usage, keep last N rows, but for this iteration we are
targetting simple expiry date as it’s the simplest mechanism, and with some
work some of the other ones can be reconducted to it.

For layer wide expiry, we would have an expiration date, and a flag that states
whether the date inside the layer also needs to be dropped.
This would in turn reflect into a dropSchema call for vector data, a simple file
delete for simple raster layers (plus eventual sidecar files), and a call
to StructuredCoverage2DReader.delete(…) for mosaics and netcdf files.
Speaking of which, it might make sense to push the delete(…) call from
the StructuredCoverage2DReader to GridCoverage2DReader…
I’ll inquire about this on gt-devel

For layers with dimensions, a CQL filter would identify which features/granules
to delete.
We are envisaging two operation modes, a fixed expiry mode, and a continous one.
In fixed expiry mode one specifies a target expiry date, and a CQL filter that
identifies the features/granules that need to be dropped at that date.
In continous expiry mode we’d have no expiry date, but a filter that embeds
the moving window within itslef, something like:

dateDiff(now(), creationDate, “days”) > 10

Now… .where to store this expiry information? Two options, an external dedicated
database, or embed inside the layers configuration itself, as part of the metadata

We are leaning towards the second option, as it does not have consistency
or clustering issues that we’d have to handle with the first (and catalog
can be offloaded to database if it becomes to big).

So implementation wise we’d have something like this in the metadata for
a simple layer expiration:

... layer 20150228T100000 true ...

For multidimensional layers instead we’d have something like this for
group based expiration:


myAttribute = “ABC”

myAttribute = “EFG”

For continous data expiration instead we’d have something like:

data dateDiff(now(), creationDate, "days") > 10

Of course dateDiff and now would be new filter functions, and we’d teach selected databases
(postgresql for the moment) how to translate them down in sql for efficient execution.

The expiration enforcement code would then look for layers that have the expirationControl
object set, and apply the expiration rules accordingl (with a filter based search, not a in
memory programmatic one).

For large catalogs using jdbcConfig it would be nice to have the existance of expirationControl
be an indexed property so that we can quickly locate layers that have a certain expiry date
set, or that have data based expiry checks, to only grab those out of the large lot of
layers… which begs for an easy way to index a new property, maybe programmatically or
declaratively, in JDBCConfig, eventually against an already setup database… a functionality
that as far as I know is missing. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.



GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
http://goo.gl/NWWaa2 for more information.


Ing. Andrea Aime

Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549



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On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com>

Seems this email is longer than our usual proposal in the wiki :slight_smile:

Was meant to gather feedback, as community modules do not need a formal
proposal :-p

The idea is sound and I like the direction of thinking about storage
implementation and JDBCConfig from the start.

You may wish to call to module automate rather than expire so it has a
chance to grow new functionality, such as a timed ingest.

Yeah, I like the direction. If we are thinking about automation, should we
host the <expirationControl> under a <automate>
umbrella base tag?
Uh, maybe not... I guess most automations would be independent of each
other (another idea could be to periodically update
the bbox of certain layers)



GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
http://goo.gl/NWWaa2 for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549



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I second Jody's feedback since this could open the path for attaching
automation to existing layers to perform timed ingest or event based
ingest like when monitoring a filesystem.
In addition we might want think about leaving room for attaching
actions/automation to REST operations.
We also quickly discussed about ways to reuse/build upon what the
importer is bringing in in terms of transformation and the like as it
would be bad to end up with deplicated functionalities.

One thing to consider carefully is how to handles these events in a
clustered installation as we don't want to end up with trying to
delete or update things twice.

Simone Giannecchini

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
http://goo.gl/NWWaa2 for more information.

Ing. Simone Giannecchini

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 333 8128928


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On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com> wrote:

Seems this email is longer than our usual proposal in the wiki :slight_smile:

The idea is sound and I like the direction of thinking about storage
implementation and JDBCConfig from the start.

You may wish to call to module automate rather than expire so it has a
chance to grow new functionality, such as a timed ingest.
On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 3:15 AM Andrea Aime <andrea.aime@anonymised.com>

I would like to propose a new module that would handle an expiry date for
layers and
data within layers, so that when the time comes, the layer or the data
gets dropped.

Two identified use cases at the moment:
* Temporary layers created out of processing, that live for the purpose of
  the processing results visible via WMS/WMTS, but which are normally not
  around in a stable way and are often non advertised
* Moving window for stable layers with dimension support, where the data
  the layer needs to be purged so that too old data is removed

The expiry concept could be implemented in a number of ways, e.g., target
date, timeout after last data usage, keep last N rows, but for this
iteration we are
targetting simple expiry date as it's the simplest mechanism, and with
work some of the other ones can be reconducted to it.

For layer wide expiry, we would have an expiration date, and a flag that
whether the date inside the layer also needs to be dropped.
This would in turn reflect into a dropSchema call for vector data, a
simple file
delete for simple raster layers (plus eventual sidecar files), and a call
to StructuredCoverage2DReader.delete(...) for mosaics and netcdf files.
Speaking of which, it might make sense to push the delete(...) call from
the StructuredCoverage2DReader to GridCoverage2DReader...
I'll inquire about this on gt-devel

For layers with dimensions, a CQL filter would identify which
to delete.
We are envisaging two operation modes, a fixed expiry mode, and a
continous one.
In fixed expiry mode one specifies a target expiry date, and a CQL filter
identifies the features/granules that need to be dropped at that date.
In continous expiry mode we'd have no expiry date, but a filter that
the moving window within itslef, something like:

dateDiff(now(), creationDate, "days") > 10

Now.. .where to store this expiry information? Two options, an external
database, or embed inside the layers configuration itself, as part of the

We are leaning towards the second option, as it does not have consistency
or clustering issues that we'd have to handle with the first (and catalog
can be offloaded to database if it becomes to big).

So implementation wise we'd have something like this in the metadata for
a simple layer expiration:


For multidimensional layers instead we'd have something like this for
group based expiration:

            <filter>myAttribute = "ABC"</filter>
            <filter>myAttribute = "EFG"</filter>

For continous data expiration instead we'd have something like:

      <filter>dateDiff(now(), creationDate, "days") > 10</filter>

Of course dateDiff and now would be new filter functions, and we'd teach
selected databases
(postgresql for the moment) how to translate them down in sql for
efficient execution.

The expiration enforcement code would then look for layers that have the
object set, and apply the expiration rules accordingl (with a filter based
search, not a in
memory programmatic one).

For large catalogs using jdbcConfig it would be nice to have the existance
of expirationControl
be an indexed property so that we can quickly locate layers that have a
certain expiry date
set, or that have data based expiry checks, to only grab those out of the
large lot of
layers... which begs for an easy way to index a new property, maybe
programmatically or
declaratively, in JDBCConfig, eventually against an already setup
database.... a functionality
that as far as I know is missing. But we'll cross that bridge when we get



GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit
http://goo.gl/NWWaa2 for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549



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