We're in the process of changing how the renderer works. Before I
commit this change to the DefaultRasterMapProducer, could you check and
see if this is going to affect anything on the WMS-with-raster/WCS
Here is the new interface:
here is the new renderer code (basically the same as 2.1.x lite2 with
minor changes):
I've attached the entire DefaultRasterMapProducer.java to this message.
If this is going to affect you, please say now. Most likely the only
change will be to add methods to the interface, but I want to see whats
required and whats not. I've tested this code on the "normal" WMS
stuff, but I dont know if something special is required for
WMS-with-raster or WCS.
The main difference in the renderer is that you send hints to it instead
of set/get methods. Currently only "optimizedDataLoadingEnabled" does
Here's the modified DefaultRasterMapProducer code (around line 200):
renderer = new StreamingRenderer();
RenderingHints hints = new
RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON );
//we already do everything that the optimized data loading
//if we set it to true then it does it all twice...
Map rendererParams = new HashMap();
Boolean(true) );
Envelope dataArea = map.getAreaOfInterest();
AffineTransform at =
this.renderer.worldToScreenTransform(dataArea, paintArea);
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