[Geoserver-devel] No 1.2.4 this week.

Apologies, but I wont be able to get my release out this week. My ac
power adapter broke, and being in Brazil getting a new one isnt as easy as
just going to the store. I spent all yesterday running around trying to
get it on my warranty, and I ended up just ordered one to buy. Hopefully
it should be here soon, if it doesnt get in next week I will try to find
another computer to set up my development environment on. Most all the
fixes are in cvs though, the big ones being schema.xml and attribute
control (I cleaned up the feature type editor page, so it works pretty
well now, though theres a few little improvements I want to make, and now
it is actually reflected in the schema returned (though you have to be
sure to do a save and load, I have yet to get it persist automatically)).
Artie Konin also had a number of great internationalization fixes. And I
also fixed the super annoying problem of shapefiles being deleted from
the featureTYpes directory. If anyone needs these fixes you can work off
of cvs, or I should hopefully get a release out next tuesday. I have also
just about finished up a complete redo of the user docs. The text is
almost all there, but I need to add pictures and put it in docbook.
Depending on how easily I can get stuff set up next week this may have to
wait for 1.2.5, as I really want to get the bug fixes out as soon as

best regards, and apologies for being so long without a release,

