Thanks, that pretty much answered my questions. While I have your
attention, can I display multiple shape files (eg:
Yeah, you can definitely display multiple layers. Check the WMS
specification to be sure, but I believe you just need corresponding styles
for each layer. If you have the source download you can create a war with
test.type=Demo, which contains 6 shapefiles, and in the Demo section of
the web config tool (http://localhost:8080/geoserver/, it has at
least one example of the URL needed. I'm going to try to get more of
these samples for 1.2.0, most of what I want for that release is making
sure that _everything_ is well documented (so please let me know all the
little things that could be added).
...), and is there a way or registring raster files (say ESRI .asc) files
in the catalog.xml? Thanks again for your help. John
No we don't yet have raster support. It should come along relatively
soon, like in a few months I'd imagine. GeoTools, the library we're based
on, is doing some good work on that front, and I imagine something useable
should come out soon, and then we just need to integrate with geoserver.
> Quoting
>> Hi,
>> I'm a little confused about viewing shape files that have been loaded
>> into
>> the server. I have loeaded a shape file (the main roads of
>> california),
>> and it gets looaded without incidence. How, at this point do I view
>> it?
>> I looked at the demo with the bc roads and was confused by the
>> boundingbox
>> servlet parameter
>> example:
>> * what coordinate system do 489153,5433000,529000,5460816 refer to?
> It refers to the coordinate system specified in srs (spatial reference
> system) parameter - EPSG:27354. Granted that parameter is fairly
> ignored, as we have yet to implement reprojection, so the only valid
> epsg is the one that the data is stored in (but I don't think we raise
> an exception for requesting the wrong srs yet).
>> It would seem to me that if the info.xml file describes the shapefile
>> in
>> geocoordinates (lat/long) then the query should be in geocoordiantes
>> also
>> -- I'm probably missing something simple here.
> No, you're right, the query should be in geocoordinates. For the sample
> file the coordinates aren't in geocoordinates. I'm actually trying to
> find a second good sample file, that is in lat/long and that contains
> polygons instead of lines. If anyone has a nice small one, preferably
> with a string as at least one of the attributes, that is of the real
> world, then send it along to me.
>> So, as I was saying I loaded up the california roads without a hitch,
>> but
>> I'm not sure what boundingbox query prarmeters I should submit to the
>> servlet -- I tried some abitrary ones an got completly white png's.
> If the bounding box for lat/long for you info.xml file then the bbox
> param should be: BBOX=-124.26521347,32.54218934,-114.48032229,42.002565
> And actually, I just tested it out, thanks a ton for having a server
> available on the internet. This seemed to work for me:
> The best way to figure out the bbox to use is by issueing a GetFeature
> request:
> And the boundedBy element for the collection will have a Box, which is
> the limits of the data set. Just use that box, in the same order. If
> you copy and paste you just need to change the middle space to a comma.
> And I need to make a tutorial on how to do this, add a shapefile and
> visualize the data, as I've answered this too many times You're
> right in asking though, as we don't document this well anywhere, and
> it's one of the most common operations.
> best regards,
> Chris
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